US freestyle!


Go Big or Go Home
Macomb michigan
When i get a superjet and get some tricks down iv been wanted to compete.But not until i get a superjet.Its been a goal i have had for a couple years now and i wanna make it happen.


their is plenty of talent in the am ranks that would be competive in the pro level.but the problem is not enough backing.people simply just cant afford to do it.


That is why there should be a Competion Free Ride Tour... SURF ONLY EVENTS! Through racing in as well.


nothing againts you idea but surf only events arent gonna put us back on top at world finals


Site Supporter
Cleveland Ohio
I think the Surf Event this year will be bigger than Freestyle at the WF. I think it just costs too much to do flatwater freestyle. It looks like Surf events will take over. :dunno:


still doin it
I think that's the major road block for most people, I know it is for me. My personal ski wouldn't even be good for Am anymore if it weren't for all the help I get. So how do we make it cheaper again? If I win the lotto, I'll buy 200 of the baddest skis I can find and pass them out :brap:

First dibs :bananajump:


LKN Freestyle Militia
Lake norman, nc
One other thing that draws people away from competing is the big $$ entry fees. Its what like $100 a weekend to ride 4 minutes?:Eyecrazy: I think i payed $120 to ride at nationals which is just dumb.:thumbsdown: I say dropp the entry fees to like $25 and give us 2 runs and it would be much more appealing.

That being said, i dont regret ever paying that money because its one of the best experiences ever to compete.:woot:
to all those freeriders guys that go to freerides(freeriders)

find the region your in and go do a competition or Two

just try it
some may like it some may hate it but everyone should chip in


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
Guys and Gals, I live in Alabama and am very fortunate to be in district 7 with Mike at the wheel for our events. 2007 was my first year to compete and I freegin love it! CoreyLKN has a couple of real good points! 1st-I ride with my next door neighbor all the time, she is a great friend, but has no ability to push me, like Corey, I am self taught.(other that 2 times from Adrian-thanks bro). Those of us that really ride flatwater freestyle need to make a schedule for 2008 right now to try to get together with other riders that are as close to us as poss. I realize schedules will change and chit happens, but we gotta start somewhere other than just bitchin bout it.

2nd-APBA membership and entry fees and travel money is a ton for 2-4 minutes. I couldn't belive we only got 1 run at Nationals, I thought they were kidding all day long!!!!!!!!!!! Why can't we talk the promoters into a SX style format, moto 1, moto 2, main event. have moto 1 before the racing start, moto 2 between 1st and 2nd racing motos, and then mains after racing? Anyway, u get the idea.

I would love to bitch bout having to compete against big engines and lightweight ski's, but that will never change, money creates competition and vs versa.


surf is the only equalizer in this sport, flatwater is $.

dakine footstraps-18/each
bilge setup-80 (mine)
build own quicksteer
shorten pole
d-cut plate
reinforce as you get better

$3500= nice surf boat
add some balls=backys and rolls(wish i had a set;)

i dont even know how much to build a competitive flatwater boat, but probably twice that.


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
surf is the only equalizer in this sport, flatwater is $.

dakine footstraps-18/each
bilge setup-80 (mine)
build own quicksteer
shorten pole
d-cut plate
reinforce as you get better

$3500= nice surf boat
add some balls=backys and rolls(wish i had a set;)

i dont even know how much to build a competitive flatwater boat, but probably twice that.

Yer dam close!
bought a 98 RN last november for 3500.00 with alot of good chit already on it.
Today I am 6000.00 in it and still need trim. Oh yeah, I am still only at 701cc!
I swear drugs have got to be cheaper, just not as much fun.LOL


LKN Freestyle Militia
Lake norman, nc
For all you guys suggesting surf, that is great for you and living close to surf but what about people who dont live near the coast? It may be cheaper to build a surf boat but its gonna cost us a ton of money each season just to travel to these events. I would love to do more than one surf contest a year, but for me the only one that is practical is myrtle beach. Plus us inland guys would have chance against you surf guys and you know it.:dead1:
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