USA Canada Street Hockey at Harbor Beach

Huter Boi

BALLER on the Prowl.....
This will be tied in to the barbecue on Friday night...

Okay Here's the Hockey lowdown based on the past USA-Canada Street Hockey tourney. ( Which USA has a hefty lead in the series, although I will miss my past ringer teammates of Mark Queen and Russ" the flying squirrel" Waite).

This is street hockey played on foot ( too many drunks got hurt when we played one time on inlines... gotta race too ya know ) This is almost like broom ball hockey but with real sticks.

Wear sneakers... gloves are allowed but most guys wear their racing gloves.

We do not use nets and goalies ( someone wants to bring nets and all the gear maybe we will try it.)

Scoring is achieved by hitting a gas can with a 15 foot neutral zone around it.

In the adult game, when your team is scored on the loooooosers chug a beer before the next draw ( If someone made jello shots for a couple o rounds here that would be great ) We will decide on whether the game is to 5 or 10 on game night by democratic vote ( hope the Canadiens understand the democracy thing) hehehehe

There is NO high sticking, slashing, spearing, or use of the word EH during play... These result in a 2 minute penalty with a forced chug of bourbon and grapefruit juice or you will have to stand unprotected while the infracted upon gets to fire 3 shots at you.

You may choose to wear leg guards .

Americans please bring a black T Shirt... Canucks bring white or red t-shirts ( your red pot leaf thingie is optional ) and yes you can wear your TOOKS. If someone had a connection to make cool cheap T Shirts.... I would gladlyt buy 2 ( hint)

An impartial ref will be selected by the democratic way ( Bill Clinton was my hero)

This event is meant to be fun this is not the Stanley cup, and in the past has been both fun and entertaining for all playing and watching. Anyone trying to start a brawl will be stripped and quad dragged... or something else evil!!

Looking forward to the game and of course another victory for team USA....LOL

To reiterate the Princess' request. Everyone who can please bring extra sticks and some Mylec street balls... I have 2 with me.

See ya Friday and GAME ON!!!
I'll put Meesh on Jello Shot Duty (we were going to make them anyway)

Can I be the impartial judge? I mean, afterall....I DO root for Team U.S.EH! ;)

PS: PLEASE tell me you brought your video camera...I don't feel like lugging mine all the way there, but THIS gig has GOT tobe preserved for posterity's sake...or at least a good post on
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Alrighty Greenbalz - I picked up the ref jersey at lunch today and am thinking up evil ways to make the competitor's confrom to your rules and infractions listed above (muhahahahah!)

I'm off like a prom dress to the airport in a few...then it's a red-eye from San Francisco to see you all.

After all those long walks in the mist at Niagra Falls, screaming like little girls on the roller coasters in Sandusky, OH and snuggling in the TrogMahauler all this time shall I say hi to your and Jeff's "buddies" while I'm in the City Robbie? ;)

::: ducking...and running like helll :::
have fun ya'll my friendly neigbhorhood kawi dealer dicked me over and my boat isn't ready so i am heading to south beach for the weekend..... maybe i will be in nashville if i get my boat back by then :(
that game was off the hook, snorris was in full game on form, thanks alot guys for not breaking my other leg, im glad we won something this weekend, oh yeah baller we won the shuffleboard game as well
i think with the pro tour should be the pro ball hockey tour run at every race
Hey! You got some Boober in my Bling!

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Saint of Circumstance
Bayview, OH
I think me and cerv stopped a lot of Team USA's shots with our faces and bellies. It was fun playing with our EH Team....we sure were not ringers. Got a card going out to MJ with a bunch of pics from Myrtle Beach for him to laugh at when he wakes up
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