Using the "great stuff" foam for footholds.

I'm about to install some footholds in my 750 and I just got a couple cans of this stuff. I've read up on here and PWCtoday and theres alot of mixed opinions about it because everyone is saying it's not closed cell foam so it'll get all jammed up with water, but it said waterproof on the bottle and it was cheap so I bought it. Some people are saying not to and alot of others said they used it and it's great but I really don't know anything about foam so I need opinions. Use it, or no?
I wouldn't use it its a waste of time. If you do it right and spray it in after installing footholds then seal it up it won't cure due to lack of oxygen. I have done it and had a gooey mess. I just did toomessedup's footholds with no foam, I just ground out what was needed to get them in. If you do get it to cure and it does get water around it, it will absorb it despite what it claims. Me personally I run no foam anywhere in my hull with no problems. Good luck!


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
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screw foam...jam some polystyrene in there and be done. I'll never use expanding foam again.
you must use something for support under the foothold
foam acts as support and floation
yes expand foam sucks im in the middle of a complete refoam 2nd time
this time im not useing exp foam!
If you do it too thick, it will take forever to set up.
you have to do it in small amounts, not sure on how it will stand up against the water though...
Great Foam is open cell foam, like a sponge, only the exterior skin thats created during expansion is closed assuming it doesn't touch any other surface and if thats the case there will be a void between it and the hull.
I have heard bad stuff about Great Stuff too, ha. I think Blowsion makes a foothold install kit that's pretty cheap with all the stuff in it you will need including Foam In. I didn't know that and bought the quarts of Foam In, only to use just a bit. We'll see how the stuff holds up over time in the can.
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