Video: IJSBA Tour. Russia. Florjancic, L.Stone, Lenzi.

IJSBA Tour. Russian Open. Tver. 4 August 2007.

Great freestyle event took place in Tver this Saturday. In front of 5 000 people, in the Tver city (140 miles from Moscow), on the river Volga world's best freestylers showed their skills. Rainy all the day, but late evening Lee Stone, Alexander Lenzi, Florjancic brothers, Mark Zickerling made it stop. The crowd welcomed and supoorted with delight and cheers :thewave: night riders. Lee made about 50 backflips that evening (sorry, only dozen in event video). Lenzi showed hugest barrel rols, not speaking about double backflips from him, everybody got used that he can do it. Roc was discouraged :eek:mfg: by early Yves van Heers's whistle that sounded on 1m10s instead of 2m and made sky double boat backflip. He disappeared from my video lens and flew to the skies for a moment doing that :Banane09:. Final results of competition are:
1. Lenzi
2. R.Florjancic
3. Lee Stone
4. N.Florjancic

Here is the Video [96Mb,10min,AVI,DivX] and on SuperJETT's site

To this moment, video is stored for 1 month on hosting. To get the file from Rapidshare you have to press "Free" button in the bottom of the DL Page, and enter the code from the picture. I think that a little bit later it will be also availabe from
More links will be added ASAP.

Who are new to DivX codec please visit to get Free decoder(20Mb and lots of useless stuff), or get only repacked codec from this bundle
DivX 6.6 decoder only (1.5Mb). There is some russian text during install, but i think you will get threw it by pressing lowest right button.

Good luck!:Banane01:
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So long and thanks for all the fish
For everyone, download the Divx codec, but during install, uncheck EVERYTHING except the CODEC itself, that's the only thing you need, and you don't have to enter e-mail or anything.
Lee began his performance idling to the the middle of the river on his knees for about 45sec, then from the dark he appeared, sent greets to the judges, 30 seconds in front of the public and started. Lenzi rode out from landing several time on his knees for 5 - 15 seconds during his program. When you achive THIS skills and HP in motor you can ride a stand-up in front of the crowd even in Harley Davidson style, sitting in the tray and and legs apart. :drive: Everybody wil be HAPPY!
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