Other Virus Nonsense

Everybody still doing good? I am torn by this whole thing. On one side is the virus killing everything it touches, vents are ineffective, etc. The other side is that we have empty field hospitals and hospital ships, our own covid hot zone was open 3 days beofre we shut it down due to low volume we have closed our covid tent outside due to low numbers. We have 5 positive pts in our unit upstairs, People are being sent home left and right due to low volumes here which goes against what you hear in the media. Im not sure but at this point its starting to look kinda sketchy to me.


walking on water
We haven't had a reported case since last Friday or Saturday now. Only 26 in my county and most of those were people who got it from Milwaukee or on spring break elsewhere.

Our local hospital has stopped all elective surgeries and furloughed a large portion of their staff. My wife, mother in law, and sister in law all work for the same hospital. My wife is still working, my sister in law is furloughed, and my mother in law is working in another department since she works in surgery.

I just got our stimulus, we're putting it towards our home purchase later this year.

The local river/boat landings have not closed here, so I've been out on the boat and playing way too much N64. They closed our state parks in the southern part of the state. They had more people in one week than they have all month.


Buy a Superjet
Wife works at the hospital here and you have to be either damn near dead or an employee to get the test. But so far I think we have less than 15 cases and no deaths.

Question is how is the gov going to use this against us going forward. Think about 9/11 and the freedoms we have given up since...


New York Crew
Western New York
1,800+ confirmed cases in my area... 100 dead. Most of them are nursing home elderly patients.

Wait until food sources start to really dry up... all those local anti-gunners trying to buy up guns for safety and what now looks like hunting for food. Too bad there are no guns available locally any more thanks to the dems.

Well, you can come on over to California where we have plenty of standard rifles, handguns and food even now. Oh, wait, I forgot the virus is a Dem created hoax.

Seriously though, stay safe and do what you can to help.

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
Everybody around me getting laid off but I’m working more than ever.

I’m scheduled to work 6 days this week and next. I put in 15 hrs yesterday and 14 today fixing issues with equipment because our vendors all had to head back home.

I’m about ready to blow my Corona screening test at the front gate so I can sit at home like everybody else.


Site Supporter
Buffalo NY
I live in the same county as Frosty. We have a hospital dedicated to Covid-19 and it is at full capacity. They are setting up mobile test centers. The testing positive numbers are still going in the wrong direction. It's going through nursing homes and rehab centers like a wildfire. The great news is the survival rate is incredibly high.


New York Crew
Western New York
I live in the same county as Frosty. We have a hospital dedicated to Covid-19 and it is at full capacity. They are setting up mobile test centers. The testing positive numbers are still going in the wrong direction. It's going through nursing homes and rehab centers like a wildfire. The great news is the survival rate is incredibly high.

Yeah, it's crazy. Looks like the lake bars will not be open this summer as it stands now. Too bad the weather sucks, I'd be social distancing on my beach with a couple of cold coronas while I work from home. :)

I do worry about my aunt and uncle in the nursing home.

I'd like to be tested to see if I have the antibodies for it... I would donate blood to help.


walking on water
Yeah, it's crazy. Looks like the lake bars will not be open this summer as it stands now. Too bad the weather sucks, I'd be social distancing on my beach with a couple of cold coronas while I work from home. :)

I do worry about my aunt and uncle in the nursing home.

I'd like to be tested to see if I have the antibodies for it... I would donate blood to help.

When people pull up to the same sandbar as me this year, I'm going to use Social Distancing as the reason to tell them to leave and find their own sandbar. :)


walking on water
Wife works at the hospital here and you have to be either damn near dead or an employee to get the test. But so far I think we have less than 15 cases and no deaths.

Question is how is the gov going to use this against us going forward. Think about 9/11 and the freedoms we have given up since...

That was the first thing I said. "How many freedoms are we going to lose over this?..."
Have a few family members that had/have it, including my wife. It Was like a mild flu or cold. Sister in law had it the worst but never went to the doctor.

I understand that people respond different but this response is way to much. Elderly and people with pre existing conditions should be careful and social distance but healthy people should not be restricted. I bet if I got tested I would of had a positive test but haven’t felt sick at all.

Herd immunity is something that should have been considered. Look at what Sweden has done. https://www.nationalreview.com/2020...uiY3YtmqmPyKtQz47ObRmHPHvLXgzo6UnuB5bwBMvsaCU
the biggest thing to come out of this virus will be a bill gates vaccine with biometric ids so theyll be able to track those that have gotten vaccinated and those that havent. those that choose to not get the vaccine will not be allowed to basically leave their home or travel, social gatherings. theyre saying basically where we are right now with social distancing will become the new "normal"


JM781 Big Bore
the biggest thing to come out of this virus will be a bill gates vaccine with biometric ids so theyll be able to track those that have gotten vaccinated and those that havent. those that choose to not get the vaccine will not be allowed to basically leave their home or travel, social gatherings. theyre saying basically where we are right now with social distancing will become the new "normal"

The new normal UNTIL a vaccine is available...


one man with a couch
"Its like a normal flu except where it isn't"

I understand how depending on your source of information you could interpret the precautions as overdramatic and take this lightly but I recently had 2 family friends die from this.

We suspect that our friend's husband (confirmed positive case after the fact) picked it up from going to work as a police officer (essential employee) he did not show symptoms. His wife then un-knowingly passed it to her family. Yes, the two that passed were at increased risk but not extremely so. Neither our friend nor her husband showed symptoms.

It may not impact you directly but it is still impactful and its not a made up thing.

The absolute best thing that can happen is for this to get over with and for us to look back and say "we may have overdone it" if we don't take the precautions now, its harder to fix if/when the number of cases goes up.

Look at New York for instance, they had to resort to some seriously crazy measures to handle the number of people that were dying.

While all this is going on, lets also look at some of the messed up stuff that our reps are doing, several senators/congressmen dumped boat loads of stock prior to their privileged information becoming public knowledge... In the time between when they sold their stock and the information became public, they told the general public that the virus wasn't a big deal and told us not to sell our stocks... Let that sink in.


Sent from my LM-G710 using Tapatalk
"Its like a normal flu except where it isn't"

I understand how depending on your source of information you could interpret the precautions as overdramatic and take this lightly but I recently had 2 family friends die from this.

We suspect that our friend's husband (confirmed positive case after the fact) picked it up from going to work as a police officer (essential employee) he did not show symptoms. His wife then un-knowingly passed it to her family. Yes, the two that passed were at increased risk but not extremely so. Neither our friend nor her husband showed symptoms.

It may not impact you directly but it is still impactful and its not a made up thing.

The absolute best thing that can happen is for this to get over with and for us to look back and say "we may have overdone it" if we don't take the precautions now, its harder to fix if/when the number of cases goes up.

Look at New York for instance, they had to resort to some seriously crazy measures to handle the number of people that were dying.

While all this is going on, lets also look at some of the messed up stuff that our reps are doing, several senators/congressmen dumped boat loads of stock prior to their privileged information becoming public knowledge... In the time between when they sold their stock and the information became public, they told the general public that the virus wasn't a big deal and told us not to sell our stocks... Let that sink in.


Sent from my LM-G710 using Tapatalk
Very well said but there are some that you will never convince that this is just the flu and that they were strong and healthy so no risk to them and everyone else is overreacting.
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