Custom/Hybrid Want Too Ride A FREAK!!


Epoxy is my duct tape
I'm currently in the process of selling my old 771 Superjet and would like to try a Freak out before I decide on which aftermarket hull I will represent next, if there is anybody on the west/west coast with a 800-900cc freak that wouldn't mind me taking out for a rip I would greatly appreciate it
currently we have a G3 and a XFR in the crew and I'm currently siding with the G3
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Tanner M.
Jacksonville, Fl
Even better. Get the circus freak that just came out. Lucas says it is just as stable as the full size version. I've ridden a bunch of the freaks and they all ride great! I by the way ride a plain old super jet with tubbies. But if I had the money a freak is the only one I would get.


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at peace
Almost any weekend works. I may not have it ready to ride next weekend because I busted my pump shoe yesterday and need to get a replacement and install it.
The weekend after that I'll be at a competition at Soap lake, WA. Might be closer for you.
The week of June 18th I will be traveling for work again.
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