was running great....add some gas and now it just backfires???


'95 - fx1
was riding over the weekend and was running good....i have been getting my jetting to a spot where its flawless...i was pretty close and was pretty happy with where it was, so i rode for a while

ran low on gas and was having some gas line issues...added tubing to the end of the lines now so i get more near the bottom of the tank....its a SJ tank with my stock FX1 fuel fuller and it would not run under half the tank...

so i added some gas 91oct. at 50 to 1
i normally run 93oct at 32 to 1
i could not get it started before and after i added gas. took it home and now it just backfires and runs crazy ruff
drained the gas and added my normal gas to see just incase....no change
i am advanced 2degrees...could that have come loose and now my timeing is jacked?

any thoughts?
i have pulled the carb and it all was looking ok....jets/spring/whatnot

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V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
Check your timing. Could be as simple as a sheared flywheel key, or a loose stator. Why would you put less oil in your lower octane gas? 50:1 is about 2/3 the oil as 32:1 I won't begin to speculate what oil or compression you are running, but that doesn't sound too good, if you just tuned it to run great at 32:1.


Thanx all
will pull the tank and see whatup

and i barrowed the gas from a bro who was at the ride spot with me so we could get some more ride time in...
he is mixed 50 to 1 and 91oct....didnt think it was the problem but wanted to give some background
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