Custom/Hybrid Wasserjet, Rotary Engine teaser video


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Pinckney, MI
Very nice, do you have any performance graphs we can take a look at comparing this to the other 2 / 4 stroke options?



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All engines are ran on a dyno after being built. We haven't ran on the dyno with BNs but after tuning with the Tillotson and switching we have found better bottom end punch and working on a different pump setup.

Durability...around 150hrs for first inspection. Depending on how "hot" you ran the engine you may have to spend a $100 on some bearings. Around 300hrs you can inspect the apex seals and see if they need to be replaced. Replacing the apex seals can be a little expensive if you opt for the ceramic ones ($600 for seals and bearings). We will be shipping with apex seals made of ceramic but cast ones are available.

Happy to see you are still making progress!
Any option for carbon apex seals? i run 3mm carbons in our teams rotary. i just prefer how they work and have noticed more durability. glad to see progression
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