Other Watch Obamas car suspension collapse ??

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
Looks like an air ride or hydraulic suspension that dropped it's pressure at the worst possible moment. Tires are slammed!


So long and thanks for all the fish
dayum, look how thick the door is when the driver gets out.

They say it's like a cocoon inside where you can't hear a thing going on outside. That door looks a good 6"+ thick and I assume the glass is too.
only thing i can think that would make the suspension drop like that would be if it had a torsion bar set up and something let loose. if u remove the torsion bars from a truck it will sit similar. regular macpherson struts wouldn't hold up to the extra weight of all that added steel so they use heavy duty torsion bars.
definitely an air or hydraulic suspension that sensed full extension of the suspension and over corrected, or maybe some kind of fail-safe the would sense the car going off road in a carjacking situation and the suspension automatically dropping the car to the ground making it immobile. With the SS, there is no way of knowing all of the possibilities or what sensors are involved of what set off the suspension's computer to cause it to drop like that.

This is the chassis that the Cadillac one is based on:

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