Super Jet water logging prevention?

Hi guys, I just got ahold of a brand new 2010 superjet. I have seen that almost all superjets seem to be or have been waterlogged. The question here is, is there a way to prevent this? I know defoaming sucks and do not want to have to do it. I do plan on putting in footholds and know there is a correct way to do it and an incorrect way to do it (im going with the correct way lol). Are superjets generally waterlogged because of the holds being put in incorrectly? Or is this just an inevitable thing? Any input is appreciated, im the new guy lol.
You can seal up the tubes that go through the firewall (exhaust, cooling, siphon bilge, etc) with 3M 5200 and seal up the holes that were used to pour the factory foam with glass. Water will find a way in though, defoaming lets you seal up the mentioned tubes from both sides as well as ride plate inserts and any bondline leaks.
Definitely seal up what you can and as an alternative- defoam and refill with beer pong balls + hull drain. Lots of people have gotten them sealed up tight but many more have failed after throwing everything they can at it. There are so many places for water to enter that you cant always get to. If you ball it you don't have to worry about water intrusion -just pop the drain open and let it all back out...not saying its the right or wrong way to do it, but it is a way. Also there is a difference between beer pong balls and ping pong balls, don't use the ping pong balls if you want the job to last. The balls are solid, don't crush and believe me you cant tell a difference between foam/balls except that the balls always let the water out and wont ever reabsorb.
Alright thanks guys. I will try sealing everything possible. If it does end up getting water logged, what all does it take to defoam this bad boy?
Pull everything (motor-Ebox bla bla bla) stand it up on end and seal every thing that goes through the fire wall and all around it. This will buy you alot of time before refoam.


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
Pull everything (motor-Ebox bla bla bla) stand it up on end and seal every thing that goes through the fire wall and all around it. This will buy you alot of time before refoam.
I'd go ahead and seal the ride plate and pump bolt inserts too. Don't forget to pull off the foam fill hole stickers and replace it with fiberglass. oh, and figure out how to seal the exhaust tube and bond line. meh, screw it - too much work and it'll still leak.
Thanks for the advice guys! But I just went and pulled the Hood off her and it looks like I will be able to seal everything without pulling the motor. My next question is how should I seal the intake bolts and the ride plate?
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