Freestyle water on power valves

Need some advise please, after taking out the power valves on my xs 865 to clean there appears to be water on them, I have noticed whilst riding all of a sudden the engine just dies then once started again it runs fine.
appreciate any help on this matter. Thanks
It's in the bellows and the slide. Never had this problem last year. The only thing different is that I fitted a new pfp chamber. After fitting that though I don't remember water getting in then.
Was the PF chamber you installed new or used, and has it been ran since replacing the chamber? Many engines scavenge unburnt fuel from the exhaust, If you have a cracked powerfactor, or leaking manifold gasket you could very well be having it scavenge water back into the engine let alone the flow of water in a lay down pipe can just as easily go back into the engine as going into the waterbox.

If this new chamber you installed has not been ran, I would clean the power valves and test run it. You could easily save yourself the time and pressure test the chamber. If the issue isnt resolved then, I would go to exhaust manifold gasket.
Hi, the chamber was brand new when fitted. just a thought if I pulled the ski partly out of the water and sat it on my AC stand at quite an angle would the water in the chamber run back (apologies I know nothing about engines) into the engine/manifold?.
thank you for the advice I will pressure test and do the suggested if I have know joy. thanks again
It could possibly, unlikely unless the chamber is cracked. Being that it is new, I would assume it doesnt leak. Check your manifold gasket. Are you noticing any signs of water intrusion on the spark plugs?
no signs of water intrusion on spark plugs, I've hade the cylinders and ports looked at with a camera and they seem all fine (checked by loki customs).
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