Who done it, anyone know? Pretty funny stuff, I am thinking Keefer, can anyone confirm?
sjetrider 615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness. Location in the 615 (Nashville) Jan 16, 2007 #1 Who done it, anyone know? Pretty funny stuff, I am thinking Keefer, can anyone confirm?
Waste Land Non Multa Sed Multum Location Florence, AL Jan 17, 2007 #2 Keefer for sure. I dunno but i kinda enjoyed mine and it will remain
SuperJETT So long and thanks for all the fish Location none Jan 17, 2007 #3 I know who, and just realized that I didn't check my ski for one yet.
Idok F1pro Location Nations oldest muthaF+++kin city Jan 17, 2007 #5 didnt see em.....what do they look like?
Danny Kay SJ + M3 = awesomeness :) Location Atlanta Jan 17, 2007 #6 wheres mine and what did they look like lol
sjetrider 615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness. Location in the 615 (Nashville) Jan 17, 2007 #7 I will get a pic. later. Pink and white. WATER SCOOTER
Waste Land Non Multa Sed Multum Location Florence, AL Jan 17, 2007 #8 He gave me an extra one....im keeping to to replace my other incase it gets removed by accident
keefer T1 Location Tennessee Jan 17, 2007 #9 You all so crazy! I dont know nothing about no stickers. Jesse, why you be blamin me for sticker pimpin?:biggrin:
You all so crazy! I dont know nothing about no stickers. Jesse, why you be blamin me for sticker pimpin?:biggrin: