Here is my review of WCF Vision 2.0hull.
Let me start by saying that I am in noway affiliated with WCF. I met Steve for the first time two weeksago at World Finals, where we briefly spoke and agreed that it wouldbe good if I tested his latest creation. So, today he brought theski shown above in this thread.
I have never reviewed anything else, soplease bear with me – I am solely doing it to help potential hullbuyers make an informed decision.
I have purposely NOT inquired about theprice of Vision, because I didn't want the price to influence myreview. I think it should be up to you to decide if the product isworth the price based on the review.
I rode 4-5 sessions, until the batterywas drained dead. During the first session I was very cautious (evenwore a helmet), because I didn't know what to expect. But, within10min or so I felt quite comfortable and for the remainder of thetime rode without it.
Vision 2.0 is very predictable. Onlyonce early on did I make a wake, turn around and got surprised –every other time I knew exactly what the hull would do.
Vision 2.0 is easy to control – power360s of any type are quite effortless.
Vision 2.0 wants to barrel roll.Easily. First few rolls I was going more for the underflip type of aroll where the ski doesn't go much forward, but rather in a bigcircle, and they were no problem. Then I went for more traditionalones, and they were easy. During a break I told Steve “I think Ican do a roll going dead straight toward the wake, with no snakemotion”, to which he said “go for it, don't worry about the ski”. I did, and, yup, the thing goes high in the air and rotates full 360(sometimes even more), to the point that I felt cocky and did ano-hander. It wasn't a perfect one because it was the first attempt,but if I had a little bit more time on it, no-hand barrel rolls wouldbe no problem.
Vision 2.0 is not meant to be abackflip-only hull. Make a proper wake, execute the motion correctlyand it will flip and flare. When I made a good wake and wasn't tiredthe thing would go weeeee without any drama. The times when I didnot do a perfect 360, or didn't land perfectly were due to myimperfect wake and/or laziness. Why I know it was me is becauseduring a prior session flips were good, then the next one I keptnosing them in. Then I went to the camera, and saw that I was toolazy. The following session they were good again.
Vision 2.0 will overrotate on stabs ifyou are not careful. This is by no means a bad thing – you don'twant a ski that doesn't rotate. So, first few I over-rotated, butquickly realized that it's not necessary to exert much energy at allto get it to stab. One-footer stabs were easy.
So, what's bad, you ask? Not much,really. The only things that were bad had nothing to do with thehull – the steering pole was too loose and and a few inches toolong for my taste. But, that's so easy to change, that I probablyshouldn't even be mentioning it. The footwells could maybe be movedback a little bit. The turf was different, but worked just fine.
Vision 2.0 is a very competitivefreestyle hull. As for freeride, I am not an expert and I didn'ttest it in surf, but I don't see why it wouldn't be a great freeridemachine because it is very stable, and yet wants to do tricks.

Let me start by saying that I am in noway affiliated with WCF. I met Steve for the first time two weeksago at World Finals, where we briefly spoke and agreed that it wouldbe good if I tested his latest creation. So, today he brought theski shown above in this thread.
I have never reviewed anything else, soplease bear with me – I am solely doing it to help potential hullbuyers make an informed decision.
I have purposely NOT inquired about theprice of Vision, because I didn't want the price to influence myreview. I think it should be up to you to decide if the product isworth the price based on the review.
I rode 4-5 sessions, until the batterywas drained dead. During the first session I was very cautious (evenwore a helmet), because I didn't know what to expect. But, within10min or so I felt quite comfortable and for the remainder of thetime rode without it.
Vision 2.0 is very predictable. Onlyonce early on did I make a wake, turn around and got surprised –every other time I knew exactly what the hull would do.
Vision 2.0 is easy to control – power360s of any type are quite effortless.
Vision 2.0 wants to barrel roll.Easily. First few rolls I was going more for the underflip type of aroll where the ski doesn't go much forward, but rather in a bigcircle, and they were no problem. Then I went for more traditionalones, and they were easy. During a break I told Steve “I think Ican do a roll going dead straight toward the wake, with no snakemotion”, to which he said “go for it, don't worry about the ski”. I did, and, yup, the thing goes high in the air and rotates full 360(sometimes even more), to the point that I felt cocky and did ano-hander. It wasn't a perfect one because it was the first attempt,but if I had a little bit more time on it, no-hand barrel rolls wouldbe no problem.
Vision 2.0 is not meant to be abackflip-only hull. Make a proper wake, execute the motion correctlyand it will flip and flare. When I made a good wake and wasn't tiredthe thing would go weeeee without any drama. The times when I didnot do a perfect 360, or didn't land perfectly were due to myimperfect wake and/or laziness. Why I know it was me is becauseduring a prior session flips were good, then the next one I keptnosing them in. Then I went to the camera, and saw that I was toolazy. The following session they were good again.
Vision 2.0 will overrotate on stabs ifyou are not careful. This is by no means a bad thing – you don'twant a ski that doesn't rotate. So, first few I over-rotated, butquickly realized that it's not necessary to exert much energy at allto get it to stab. One-footer stabs were easy.
So, what's bad, you ask? Not much,really. The only things that were bad had nothing to do with thehull – the steering pole was too loose and and a few inches toolong for my taste. But, that's so easy to change, that I probablyshouldn't even be mentioning it. The footwells could maybe be movedback a little bit. The turf was different, but worked just fine.
Vision 2.0 is a very competitivefreestyle hull. As for freeride, I am not an expert and I didn'ttest it in surf, but I don't see why it wouldn't be a great freeridemachine because it is very stable, and yet wants to do tricks.