Custom/Hybrid Watercraft Factory Vision 2.0

Here is my review of WCF Vision 2.0hull.

Let me start by saying that I am in noway affiliated with WCF. I met Steve for the first time two weeksago at World Finals, where we briefly spoke and agreed that it wouldbe good if I tested his latest creation. So, today he brought theski shown above in this thread.

I have never reviewed anything else, soplease bear with me – I am solely doing it to help potential hullbuyers make an informed decision.

I have purposely NOT inquired about theprice of Vision, because I didn't want the price to influence myreview. I think it should be up to you to decide if the product isworth the price based on the review.

I rode 4-5 sessions, until the batterywas drained dead. During the first session I was very cautious (evenwore a helmet), because I didn't know what to expect. But, within10min or so I felt quite comfortable and for the remainder of thetime rode without it.

Vision 2.0 is very predictable. Onlyonce early on did I make a wake, turn around and got surprised –every other time I knew exactly what the hull would do.

Vision 2.0 is easy to control – power360s of any type are quite effortless.

Vision 2.0 wants to barrel roll.Easily. First few rolls I was going more for the underflip type of aroll where the ski doesn't go much forward, but rather in a bigcircle, and they were no problem. Then I went for more traditionalones, and they were easy. During a break I told Steve “I think Ican do a roll going dead straight toward the wake, with no snakemotion”, to which he said “go for it, don't worry about the ski”. I did, and, yup, the thing goes high in the air and rotates full 360(sometimes even more), to the point that I felt cocky and did ano-hander. It wasn't a perfect one because it was the first attempt,but if I had a little bit more time on it, no-hand barrel rolls wouldbe no problem.

Vision 2.0 is not meant to be abackflip-only hull. Make a proper wake, execute the motion correctlyand it will flip and flare. When I made a good wake and wasn't tiredthe thing would go weeeee without any drama. The times when I didnot do a perfect 360, or didn't land perfectly were due to myimperfect wake and/or laziness. Why I know it was me is becauseduring a prior session flips were good, then the next one I keptnosing them in. Then I went to the camera, and saw that I was toolazy. The following session they were good again.

Vision 2.0 will overrotate on stabs ifyou are not careful. This is by no means a bad thing – you don'twant a ski that doesn't rotate. So, first few I over-rotated, butquickly realized that it's not necessary to exert much energy at allto get it to stab. One-footer stabs were easy.

So, what's bad, you ask? Not much,really. The only things that were bad had nothing to do with thehull – the steering pole was too loose and and a few inches toolong for my taste. But, that's so easy to change, that I probablyshouldn't even be mentioning it. The footwells could maybe be movedback a little bit. The turf was different, but worked just fine.

Vision 2.0 is a very competitivefreestyle hull. As for freeride, I am not an expert and I didn'ttest it in surf, but I don't see why it wouldn't be a great freeridemachine because it is very stable, and yet wants to do tricks.

Aleks Petrovic on Vision - 26.jpgAleks Petrovic on Vision - 28.jpgAleks Petrovic on Vision - 15.jpgAleks Petrovic on Vision - 16.jpg


I had a vision!
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s florida
thanks for the feedback Alex and for putting the vision thru it's paces and pulling some nice BF and rolls! :)


I had a vision!
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s florida

So I found out that my little 1.5 lbs shorai battery didn't like water!:grumble:
Since I'm waiting on a warranty replacement, I had to re-configure the battery tray and was able to fit a full size ext20l battery in the same spot but had to raise it to clear the motor mount area. It is actually very accessible and easy to reach the battery post:Banane25:


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
I keep thinking about picking another Shorai up, but posts like yours make me hold off.


I had a vision!
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s florida
I keep thinking about picking another Shorai up, but posts like yours make me hold off.

well, IMO, I thought it was water but after reviewing some more , the Shorai tech found another reason. It was charging up to 13 volts but right after cranking it a few times , it would drop down to 9 volts very quicly.
The Shorai tech said that I needed a 18L1(standard) or 24L3(duration) He was actually surprised that the 14l2 actually worked for this application!


I forgot!
Yeah the weight savings is huge but so is the headache. I put automotive goop on my replacement battery's terminals with hopes to keep the water out. I almost got a season with mine. I would probably try the anti gravity battery next. The shoria leaks. The ballallistic is a firestarter. What could go wrong with the anti gravity. Lol. The deka is the greatest battery I have used and is a trusty backup.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
well, IMO, I thought it was water but after reviewing some more , the Shorai tech found another reason. It was charging up to 13 volts but right after cranking it a few times , it would drop down to 9 volts very quicly.
The Shorai tech said that I needed a 18L1(standard) or 24L3(duration) He was actually surprised that the 14l2 actually worked for this application!

That's a big problem I had with mine.
I had a chance to try the Vision 2.0 this Sunday. I am not a pro rider by any means, but man... insane power, awesome control and stability. The first time I slightly touched the throttle, I almost sh*t my pants. My 2010 Superjet feels just pathetic now :(.. Hope to save funds for the next Vision built :).
Steve, thanks for letting me try this yellow beast. Also thanks for rescuing me man, now we are even lol :)...



I had a vision!
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s florida
I had a chance to try the Vision 2.0 this Sunday. I am not a pro rider by any means, but man... insane power, awesome control and stability. The first time I slightly touched the throttle, I almost sh*t my pants. My 2010 Superjet feels just pathetic now :(.. Hope to save funds for the next Vision built :).
Steve, thanks for letting me try this yellow beast. Also thanks for rescuing me man, now we are even lol :)...


lol! I thought that I saw something floating next to the Vision after you rode it!!hahaha


I had a vision!
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s florida
why has no one asked whats going on with the rocket pack in the video. and where do i get one

The jet pack is called a jet lev and their shop about 2 miles away from my shop .The price tag on those is $100k!!

I actually got to try one a week ago and it was sick!
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