Waterdawg Rant


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
Everybody on these boards knows Jeff doesn't always get his parts done on time.

Many people are willing to wait for a high quality part that is a lot cheaper than you can get anywhere else.

Some people on here order parts from Jeff and expect fast service and products delivered on time. Why? Don't complain later when it is late. You allready KNOW it is going to be late. If you want it fast, pay Blowsion more and get it from them. Quit coming on here and complaining about it being slow. EVERYONE knows it is going to be slow. It is really that simple. Let the people order from him who are not in a hurry and let the others go somewhere else.

This is exactly what I have been saying or trying to say.
Jeff's main issue is communication, most know it is gonna take a long time to get something. If he would just say "Hey, this is custom and it is gonna take a while", or "I am sorry, I just have not been able to get to it yet", people would be happy..........

Exactly right, All he had to do is tell me theres no way I can get this done you are going to have to either wait, or find somewhere else to get it. Not its in the box and all I have to do is take it to UPS. Communication is the key.


Im done sanding!!!
Dallas Georgia
It's none of your buisness what happens between the promoter and the companies involved.

You want the list of people who forgot, or were too busy to give stuff in Daytona, so you can hate them too???? You are really worrying about stuff that is none of your buisness...

lets stick to what is really an issue, since the promoters have already stated that "Chit Happens" and they are not concerend...
Yes, I would love the list so I dont do business with them either. I think its funny that If this was any other business people would be pissed. If I treated my customers this way then I would already be out of business. A person is only as good as their word. Glad you feel that its none of the people who bring money to these rides business. Maybe people were misled and bought raffle tickets with the impression they would have a chance to win Waterdawg stuff. And people wonder why our sport has no credibility :rolleyes:. But O.K back to the subject from what I have seen of jeffs stuff it poor quality. I know out of the few things that I have seen I would have been pissed and sent them back. Care to put the quility of jeffs stuff against the quility of the XFT parts on our buildoff boat. I think its great if you got parts from him and are happy but I wouldn't put my eggs in that basket. I know you think its none of my business but I have the right to feel how ever I want to feel about it and state my oppinion this is all I will say about the matter.
i understand what youre saying bob, and i'm trying to see this from both sides. it's really easy to take one side or the other on this issue.

what i do like about the way jeff has handled this, is that he's offered you a clear way out at almost no expense to you. you'll find few companies that will offer you that kind of way out.

IMHO, you'll also find few companies that would be willing to work with you on such a custom project for this amount of time and money.

i also agree with DJ to a good extent...

Well, the money was never an issue. Thats what some people don't understand. The refund request was for the heads only, I should have been more clear on that. I just listed the whole story so everyone would know what had happened, and like I expected it went south. This problem did not just surface in the last week, it has been ongoing for about three months now, I just had enough. I understand fully the complexity of our build, the problem lies in the fact that things were promised to us that he never delivered on. We were expecting to spend about $2000 on a custom head and pipe setup for the FX-1, what seems like a good deal to everyone on the outside has not been so good for us. I have a least 6hrs of finish work on the pipe, if not for my background in working with steel/aluminum it would have been a total train wreck. I apologize for stepping on a few toes around here but I am just not the kind of person to take being lied to very well. The only thing that had to happen was to say it couldn't be done, and we would have went a different route. We were told these parts were either on the shelf ready to go (pipe and exhaust manifold) or were going to be done in the next week (heads and domes). It took over two months to receive unfinished items. I never asked for a price break or for the product to be unfinished, none of that came about until I opened the box and was like WTF! Thats when we got the price break. I would have rather paid full pop for a complete setup (as promised) than have to got through all of this.


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
Jeff simply wanted to help, but over extrended his self in trying IMO, this is his nature and while it is bad for the business end it is in all GOOD for this sport. He is a person with SHIOTTY business skills but awesome engineering skill an an awesome drive to excell this sport. There are alot of people with one or the other of these assetts but few with both.


So long and thanks for all the fish
seems like the guy's heart is in the right place... most of the time..

Yes, it doesn't seem like he's out to screw anyone over, just that he can't stay focused on getting product out. He's always changing/developing/etc. That's fine, but if you want to make it a business, you have to at some point quit changing things, say it's good enough, then get into production mode or hand that part off to someone that can.
Yes, it doesn't seem like he's out to screw anyone over, just that he can't stay focused on getting product out. He's always changing/developing/etc. That's fine, but if you want to make it a business, you have to at some point quit changing things, say it's good enough, then get into production mode or hand that part off to someone that can.

I like that Jeff is always changing things, and making things better.:biggthumpup: I think he just needs a solid business partner that could help on the phone, and with emails, and making sure parts are getting shipped. Dudes up to his eyeballs in work for sure.

Jeff realy took care of me :woot: He is sending me out a new hood, and when it arives I will be sending the old one back to him.

Shipping will be paid both ways by himself.

That is some serious custumer service.:arms:
Yes, I would love the list so I dont do business with them either. I think its funny that If this was any other business people would be pissed. If I treated my customers this way then I would already be out of business. A person is only as good as their word. Glad you feel that its none of the people who bring money to these rides business. Maybe people were misled and bought raffle tickets with the impression they would have a chance to win Waterdawg stuff. And people wonder why our sport has no credibility :rolleyes:.

But O.K back to the subject from what I have seen of jeffs stuff it poor quality. I know out of the few things that I have seen I would have been pissed and sent them back. Care to put the quility of jeffs stuff against the quility of the XFT parts on our buildoff boat. I think its great if you got parts from him and are happy but I wouldn't put my eggs in that basket. I know you think its none of my business but I have the right to feel how ever I want to feel about it and state my oppinion this is all I will say about the matter.

1. what do you mean if it was any other business people would be pissed? i think you meant if it was any other business people woulnd't be pissed.

either way you can't satisfy all the people all the time. people have complained about blowsion's shipping, wamilton's outrageous charges for crating, jetpilot boots falling apart.

i think DJ put it best that you know going into it stuff from Jeff is gonna take a while to get so quit complaining

as for quality of stuff, i have seen jeff's stuff and sergio's stuff and like others ahve said before carbon and fiberglass look different when finished so natually it is gonna look like some of the stuff is of higher quality than the other just because of the way it is finished

2. this sport has plenty of credibility. it's the people in the sport that lack credibility and give the sport a black eye. it's a process of natural selection in this sport. people will come and go when they realize they can succeed or cannot succeed in this sport. I applaud jeff for coming up with new and innovative ideas which is what we need to further this sport. he really just needs to work on his customer service skills and i think all is current issues will be resolved


Im done sanding!!!
Dallas Georgia
Sergio also does fiberglass and its not like I havn't seen quality products in fiberglass. This is not my first Rodeo I have been around a long time. I have also seen quality stuff from jeff but just like all the people that were turfing boats last minute the Quality suffers when your under the gun. Given he is coming up with innovative stuff his business is hurting because of his customer service. As far as people being pissed if it were another business. I own my own business and do you think if I did sub par work, didn't give people what they asked for or made them wait rediculous periods of time they would be reffering me or using me again? So just out of curiosity how much is a complete rev hull anyway? Just for argument sake:biggthumpup:
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