waterdawg @ world finals


Why must I build it??????
South Africa
After this ordeal I am thinking of having my own cylinders machined and will give the design to whoever wants it.
I am thinking of checking out the availability of pistons for the old 500cc motox bikes, should be about the right size.
i see your point but here in lies the inherrent problem, people are sheep and flock to it like a squirrel to a shiny

it's plain and simple if you don't like waiting a while for your stuff, getting a product that isn't exactly what you ordered, or putting up with a month of it will ship on monday then don't deal with WDK.

there are plenty of other players in the custom hull field

you got it!


Johnstown, NY
everyone should go to havasu that is waiting for stuff and just take it from the booth... yes i am condoning this because it is not stealing since the items are already paid for..

or just have one person go in with a list and take everyrhing that is owed

or just picket the booth...

sounds kinda like the OJ ordeal:jester::Banane01:
As for porting, the exhaust port has an area equal to a circle of 54mm, the flange at the manifold is only 50mm, will promote detonation and loss of bottom end.
On the design side of the porting, the exhaust width is only 63%, the porting is setup for 166hp @4450rpm.
Sorry for knowing more than most when it comes to engines, but that is the reason I have never had a motor blow and have always won the races I have entered.

You know that jeff has tsr software also? he set up the gen 1 cylinder with it as a guide , what you are talking about is basically his first cylinder setup, His later version out performs it by quite a ways, you just went backwards. I would never port an engine builder's motor without testing it first, how would you know if you improved it without running it first?

anyways 166hp at 4450rpm would be better than anything out there

Dont get me wrong, i think you are building some of the coolest skis i've ever seen.
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Why must I build it??????
South Africa
Those specs are off the motors I received, genII, I have seen pics of the genI
When I enquired about getting the motors, he said 6-8 weeks, 26 weeks later I only have half of the goods I ordered and the domes are wrong.
We have shows we have committed to and this is cutting down our practice time hugely.
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Those specs are off the motors I received, genII, I have seen pics of the genI
When I enquired about getting the motors, he said 6-8 weeks, 26 weeks later I only have half of the goods I ordered and the domes are wrong.
We have shows we have committed to and this is cutting down our practice time hugely.

you could tell port timing by pics?, did the pics even have the sleeves in, You could probably tell how tall the custom pistons were by the pics also? I know jeff's slow but you got two custom built motors in a fast time. I know lots and lots of engine builders that dont get ported existing cylinders out that fast.

I also know that you ordered the gen1 cylinders and when jeff asked if you wanted to wait fo the new gen2 cylinder, new pipe chamber and new billet intakes you said "OK".

He's not just pulling these things off the shelf every part has to be made and when the overall design is change it adds to the time.

You should ask the guys at the ski clinic how the two generation motors compare. they have one of each. The can also confirm that the motor run incredible without have to do any porting or changes

I'm not going to turn this into a waterdawg defending thread, I wait on parts too and get just as frustrated, but the time frame on getting these new motors was really good, especially considering what was involved.


Why must I build it??????
South Africa
The stuff not sent are all off the shelf things.
He gave me shipping dates even though motors had not even been started on(found the truth out from Chris).
Portings specs are off the 2 motors I have.
TSR Software is the best software available for simulating modifications on 2-strokes
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