Another way to do a quick air leak test which is not nearly as good as the leak down test, but still good for when you're on the road or need a quick answer is to apply oxygen around the crank seals, base gasket and intake gaskets. I have one of those little portable MAP and oxygen welding kits, I only use the oxygen to do air leak tests. Run the engine, apply oxygen around the mentioned areas and listen for an increase in RPMs. If it revs up where you're applying the oxygen, then you will have located an air leak. Do not use any other gas to do this type of testing because you run the risk of flooding your engine compartment with combustible gas and a possible fire or explosion. Oxygen will raise leaving the engine compartment and is not combustible in the same way as heavy fuel vapors like raw gasoline or propane where they accumulate in low areas and concentrate waiting for ignition to happen.