Brent, you’re right, I want you badly…you best hide next freeride since I’m use to getting what I want as well! :sneaky:
Yamacrazed, please keep posting PLEASE… “Daddy” (LOL) :notworthy:
DJ, you and your antics were missed along with Rick and Deb. Tell Deb she’s in trouble for messing up the Terrible Trio’s quad action (and to bring that Kaluha to Tona), but know your boyz more than made up for all of you (in possession of a cute Smurf in da woods pic I am, fyi). I realize I owe you a kind email as well!
Madam Catz - Glad to learn you (AND your entourage) aren’t in the country any longer lady! :usa2: Dang “kanooks”…guess I’m gonna have to make that long post I was looking to duck out of afterall (and NO…it wasn’t taken care of quickly)! FYI TORR…$10,000.00 fine with possible jail time…I talked my way out of it all somehow…hard to believe I’m capable I realize!
Just woke up so no pics yet…was up late hanging with my demented buddy (not Slutty, the other one, tee hee hee), then came home to reply to a nasty ho ho stripper (for real :scared
bothering Goddess lately…(it’s so very condescendingly evil…Katie lock that ho ho up…what fun)! So, have to get bz on serious stuff today…maybe some funny pics late tonight! One for the road though…
Hey Goddess, watz up??? Those seriously look like glove prints eh (and you don’t look amused)??? Did sumthin get past me (or you, LOL)? She’s at work for the next eight hours, so it’s a free for all (suspense is killin her)!