Wave jammer

Ok so ive gone under way of my 701 swap into a 88 wj500 have everything in and it runs ok but im trying to get rid of the mix flow pump. Are there any normal ones thatll drop right in? Hopefully bigger than the 113mm ?

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Best to just cut pump cavity out and graft in a more current. Not sure about any other bolting in. Not familiar with the pump setup on those. I would imagine the intake track is pretty small.
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BK is on the right track, nothing will bolt into it, you have to do minor glass work regardless. Put a 144 mag in it


Jamie FN Hickey
Palm Coast FL
I want to ride a Jammer in surf. A kid at work just bought one and wants me to swap a 650/701 into it. What parts/mods were necessary? Kawi LX bedplate, 650/701 electronics... What else?
I think the center to center on the 144 and the smaller pump are the same. Some minor mounting hole adjustments should allow you to mount in the 144 pump, but then you need to figure out what you will do for the driveshaft/prop/midshaft combo. The jammer driveshaft threads are different to a standard 144 pump thread. If you change the drive shaft out for a couch shaft, you need to figure out the midshaft setup as the smaller pump also has a smaller diameter shaft and spline section.

A couple guys on other forums have done the mods, some used a whole new pump housing mounted into the hull, others go away with less glass and alignment work but the information was limited.... A couple google searches should turn up some helpful info.


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Isnt the Jammer and WaveRunner 500/650LX a 133mm pump? Pretty sure, either way that pump sucks! A 701 will just spin the hell out of it and its probably hard to find a A/M impeller. Anyways a reinforced Jammer with 144 pump and 701 could just be fun! Who would of thunk it! Good luck whatever you do..
I think I'm safe to say I'm the only one in the world to successfully barrel roll a completely stock jammer in the surf. There's video just need to dig through all the hours of footage. All I did was weld up some reinforcement so I wouldn't snap the steering off. Bone stock 500 with the bc carb and all.

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