Waveblaster with 10/16 solas thoughts?

Anyone got any feedback on a solas 10/16 paired with solas 12vein mag pump? Doing 70% surf and 30% lake riding. Let me know, cheers.

Motor - 701 with Ada head, b-pipe ltd, msd enhancer, dual 44mm sbn carbs, dual cooling. Thanks in advance.

john zigler

Vendor Account
Sorry, need to know what solas? Concord? Slim line? XJK? Hub design, and blade design make a difference in how an impeller loads. 144mm pump? What elevation do you ride?
No not yet, the solas mag pump and 10/16 solas prop are going on today, I will test and report back. Rn just running stock pump with small hub 13/17 solas concord. Hopefully improvement over this.
It will work very well, try it and see what your peak rpm is and how long it takes to spool up and hit the pipe. I suspect it will need the trailing edge raised a little in order to get the best response and hardest acceleration. If that is important then bore the nozzle first.
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