add a rev in there. I'll come ride!!
Plan on it man. We'll throw some dates out soon. Don't wait for a group ride...holla at us and come ride anytime.
add a rev in there. I'll come ride!!
You're like an hour away... You should come and hang out regardless of what hulls are there. I've been to Daytona 3 years and I got to know more people at the small lake ride than I have in all 3 years at Daytona.
nice! I think I was too buzzed from the weldwood to remember how we did.
Mcdog told me the best tips for turfing. Patience and two coats of glue. Do one coat and wait 15-30 minutes. Do second coat and wait 15-30 minutes. Then stick it on and you're golden. Can't believe how long and how many turf jobs I screwed by not doing that but it seems so simple now and it holds up like a champ.
The temp in the garage was 70-75 degrees while we were gluing the turf down.The weldwood can said it needed to maintain at least 65 degrees for 24 hours to get good adhesion.So l thought with the cooler temps overnight,it would be a good idea.Dam,there l go thinking again!