Custom/Hybrid Wdk rok hull build

You're like an hour away... You should come and hang out regardless of what hulls are there. I've been to Daytona 3 years and I got to know more people at the small lake ride than I have in all 3 years at Daytona.

that's because you never invite me!!! now i'm ski less :(

sano, i hope you buddy does well. it's tough with a good friend in bad shape and the build is looking good!


NE Tenn
l just now saw your signature! LOL l guess what other attitude can you have (until you find the little :):):):)er!)
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havin fun
clearwater FL
lookin good, make sure you put some pad on the top where your ankle will hit the side, hell for that matter all the way around your ankle. when the hull twists the turf will suddenly seem like a knife on your ankle.


NE Tenn
All you guys (that have projects) gonna work on your awesome builds today!? l started on my footholds yesterday afternoon.Totally (and l mean totally) screwed up the foothold foam.l tried to go big and lay the holds in one piece (note to self-"dumbazz").Long story short,l ripped all the foam off,cleaned and by midnight l had more layed down so l can shape them today.And yes,l used several pieces the second time.This afternoon l can start the mats,if l can get my lovely wife to cooperate and hold the heat gun!

The other problem l meant to fix from before was the steering rod was running into the factory water inlet when you turned to the left.Cut the inlet off,epoxied the hole and cut me a new one.So now all my steering is fixed.ln the process l also found two holes for the ride plate had busted thru into the tray (under) area.So that was another area that water was coming in.l must have done that without realizing l had used long screws.But at least now the cavity under the tray holds air.

l'll put up pics tonight or tomorrow to show the progress.


NE Tenn
Progress made today,but not as much as l wanted.Couple of pics of the pump and steering where l moved the inlet up and was able to move the the connector to the steering nozzle inward too.Got more throw that l had before.l also ground the steering stop down on the sides to get a little more from that too.

Rok hull redo Jan 2011 042.jpg Rok hull redo Jan 2011 043.jpg


NE Tenn
Got the worst part done of the turf done.The sides! Friday night l glued the foam and then Sat added more around the ankle area (thanks Tom).Sanded all that down until l had a good form.Hornedogg came over today and we glued the sides on.As much as l wanted to do just one entire piece in the footholds,we just could not get the the turf to conform inside the tops,so two cuts were made on top insides at an angle and a piece cut worked.Wedged a couple towels in with the blocks of wood and left it for the night!
Rok hull redo Jan 2011 045.jpgRok hull redo Jan 2011 046.jpgRok hull redo Jan 2011 048.jpgRok hull redo Jan 2011 051.jpgRok hull redo Jan 2011 049.jpg


high on resin
san jose ca
instead of a heat gun a mapp gas torch works great to soften up that turf! A pass or two makes it like marshmallow. Just keep a water hose near by... Lol... That weldwood goes up


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
Mcdog told me the best tips for turfing. Patience and two coats of glue. Do one coat and wait 15-30 minutes. Do second coat and wait 15-30 minutes. Then stick it on and you're golden. Can't believe how long and how many turf jobs I screwed by not doing that but it seems so simple now and it holds up like a champ.


NE Tenn
nice! I think I was too buzzed from the weldwood to remember how we did.

Gee,l kind of remember sunday,but now l'm not sure either! Now let's get on that fx of yours,so you can go to wavedayz!

Mcdog told me the best tips for turfing. Patience and two coats of glue. Do one coat and wait 15-30 minutes. Do second coat and wait 15-30 minutes. Then stick it on and you're golden. Can't believe how long and how many turf jobs I screwed by not doing that but it seems so simple now and it holds up like a champ.

Forsure,John. Hornedogg and l laid 3 coats of glue on the turf and two on the ski.l learned that time issue from helping a buddy turf a RN a couple of years ago.He wanted to get done and would only wait 15 min between each coat.The result was it was all coming up by the end of the summer!


I pretty much love beer
Site Supporter
Just curious.. was the turf coming/loose in the foothold area? I was curious why the towels and blocks? Usually in my experience once the 2 parts are together that's it. Keep up the good work Don.... its downhill from here


NE Tenn
The temp in the garage was 70-75 degrees while we were gluing the turf down.The weldwood can said it needed to maintain at least 65 degrees for 24 hours to get good adhesion.So l thought with the cooler temps overnight,it would be a good idea.Dam,there l go thinking again!


I pretty much love beer
Site Supporter
The temp in the garage was 70-75 degrees while we were gluing the turf down.The weldwood can said it needed to maintain at least 65 degrees for 24 hours to get good adhesion.So l thought with the cooler temps overnight,it would be a good idea.Dam,there l go thinking again!

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