Take out your motor and turn your midshaft coupler left and right with your hand. Put the ski on a shop stand so you can reach under and hold the driveshaft, or have someone hold it for you. I guarantee you will feel a small amount of movement between your midshaft female splines and your male driveshaft splines. Even if you have grease in there it will chatter when its wears out. You can ride it like that for a while before its gets really bad, it takes hundreds of hours but it happens. One day they will strip and you just replace both shafts. New OEM is $$$. If you ever have your pump out just take a look at the splines. They wear on one side mostly and start to get peaks rather than the square edge they start out with.
@tzane whats the "lifetime" of a jetski and its parts? People are buying used parts all the time. Some of these parts see all kinds of HP, and hours of use.
side note : Look at kawi 650 pumps where those drive shafts just press into the impeller splines. Those things chatter like crazy.