Custom/Hybrid Welcome to Alabama

The build begins.

'09 Wamilton's lightweight -2 full carbon fiber hull with RRP pole
Thrust Innovations 8 mil 85.5 bore PV Lamey with a B pipe
Total Loss
Virgin Trim
Skat C75 12/17 with TBM pump cone

Will this boat pull off a flatwater backy this summer? Stay tuned.......


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OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
Will this boat pull off a flatwater backy this summer? Stay tuned.......

I'm quite sure the boat will be capable, the real question is...are you?


LOL just kidding. It hardly matters anyway, people will be too busy staring at the ski to even notice you riding it. I sure hope you changed your mind about painting it. I thinks it's far to beautiful to hide under paint.

Nice Ski!!
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WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Leave it out by the road tonight,I will come by with the paintball gun and do a driveby,it will be sweet trust me lol.
Hey now....I just washed the truck. :smashfreakB:

The top deck and hood will be painted black and get oem '07 superjet graphics. The hull looks better in the pics than in person.

Am I capable of a flatwater backy? I don't know. I have never tried. That is why I say stay tuned. That's why I bought this hull...


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
Is the finish on the top deck and hood so bad that you are painting them? :laugh2:

There has to be a reason aside from you like black [cock].



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