Custom/Hybrid Welcome to Alabama

Got started last night. Got the midshaft assembly and hardware bolted in the hull. Also figured out where to mount my pole bracket and got all the holes drilled for it. also received it's first sticker! I need to thank Brian at Thrust for all the assistance he has given me over the past year. This guy ALWAYS answers his phone if you call him!!!







I doubt I'll get anything else done on it today; I have an open house I need to get ready for and hold.
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I did weigh it yesterday before I got started. The hull came in at ~78.5 pounds

the hood and nosepiece came in at ~12.5 pounds.

I'm starting out at 91 pounds. Anyone want to take a guess at what the final weight will be? :wavey:
Why not run it without paint for a year? Then, once the coating on the carbon starts to dull paint it..thats what I would do. At least get the whole bling factor out of it for one year! Do it for the kids!!!
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