Super Jet Weld exhaust Manifold ?

Ported 61x FP b-pipe manifold is cracked on the neck facing the cylinder. Hmmm should I roll the dice and try and save this ported mani ?




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Thrust built Dasa Power
Off site
If you can't find anyone to weld it send it to me, I'll get it taken care of... Gonna be shipping plus $40-50... My good friend is a aerospace welder and machinist ... Ask Idok you won't even know it was touched

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
Not sure what he posts under but I use a guy out of Brunswick, GA. Steve Schoettle. He does all my Aluminum welding and is the guy building my stands and carts.

Josh's guy is closer and he has done some impressive repair work on a Bennelli. ;)
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Thanks, from what I gather it is how much oil and carbon impregnated in the cast that mixes into the puddle to contaminate the weld. Some have leaked after welded twice been told.


Beach Bum
Florida - U.S.A.
Have the exhaust manifold bead blasted to remove all the contaminants before welding and make sure your TIG welder guy knows how to do cast aluminum well.
Decided to have it welded and dropped it off at a local welder that said " I will fix you up" ...He is going to use a die grinder on the inside cracked area some to prepare the surface and fill it in...He is also going to build up the outside area to reinforce it...said it will be done later this afternoon, he seems pretty confident...ported to oval 51mm I guess it worth the gamble to fix it.

What's your theory why it broke ? chamber bumping the hull some ? can't really see evidence of that...vibration/movement forces of the pipe on the manifold, wear and tear ? I not sure porting would affect that area with structural integrity ?
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There is no way that is from a chamber rub. A coupler would have no way of transmitting that large of a force.

I meant the head pipe hitting the hull...

Was the crack only on the inside?? If so, I'm thinking that the bolt holding the headpipe was a little too long.

Crack was one both sides and leaking exhaust oil out...the bolt hole above crack is open ended on the flange...

Upon further inspection the exhaust manifold is very very thin on the neck facing the cylinder where it cracked by design.
After having it welded on both sides, I had a tiny pin hole leak still (weld intact no crack inside,pulled head pipe over to look) so I put two coats of JB weld over the entire area outside and it is sealed up thus far. I rode almost two tanks yesterday and she's sealed no leaks...
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