Well I was away (work) and my ski was taken out thanksgiving weekend.

I have a Fzero tote with super slippy bunks and my gf said when they launched it, they unhooked the tether too early and as they lifted it up the ski slid ride plate/pump into the sand forcing the front of the tote skyward and then the whole thing slid off and bounced. They want to take it out again, only fair, family etc. Should I have them check anything? The hull is pretty strong along the centerline. Its a stocker 012 SJ.

I know this is hardly Carnage thread worthy so appreciate it

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Wow, I bet it's totalled.

with my family who knows. probably beached it on the slip too.

Just asking. Miles away from home and was just looking for some feedback.

Yeah Mrs said it dropped on to the sand. Not in a nice way. She can ride well just not that technically inclined with internals, pump etc.
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Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
You'll be just fine. I throw mine off the beach cart into land.

Believe me that's easier on a hull than drilling it into the bottom from 15 feet up.
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