Well we're here parked next to MXKris. We saw Kawicliff and his crew on the way here and I hear SJBrit is around somewhere with his giant trailer.
See you dorks tomorrow morning.
wont be there on sunday........ oh well, Chit happens.
what the? WHY the hell not? :bsflag:
wont be there on sunday........ oh well, Chit happens.
Man, i had a blast this weekend! It was good to meet everyone and kind of know a little bit of whats going on now! It was fun riding everyone's skis, acting like b!itchs fighting, learning how to talk british, waking up to my skis being Shonuffed, everything! I am gonna post a few of the the good pics tonight, but then get Kristin to edit and upload the rest of them when she gets to her comp. Needless to say, they will all be up by the end of the week!!
Just got home. Good gravy I'm tired.