werid question tampered ski :(

Hey people
werid question but ill ask it.

I had to store my ski with family, and they dont want me selling it, saving up for a holiday. ( crazy family)

so i got it back, and went to fire it up with fully charged battery and NOTHING.

now its been working all summer with not a single probelm, so I suspect the electricals have been tampered with. im sure of it.

my question to you is, what electrical component would you tamper with, cut, blow, fry if you wanted to create this issue. the person i suspect who did it is knowledgeable about skis aswell.....

i checked the switch today, however! ive already sold a heap, almost ALL of my tools!!! so pulling everything out is out of the question, i could always borrow some but id like to check all that i can first without having to strip it.

What could they have "blown" ? like short circuted something, like some componet in the ebox, i checked the cables and nothings been cut so i suspect the switch or maybe somthing got fried.

they said they didnt take it out, but who knows.....
how can i test for this?

thanks amigos, shes a 87 kawai 650


TigerCraft FV-PRO
If that black button is pressed in, you won't be able to press the start button, the ski will do nothing, it's a lockout button. Or atleast that's how all the kawa I have had were.

If its not that, then start at the starting system, sounds like its not turning over or anything?.. Get a service manual. Google search is your friend.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
If that black button is pressed in, you won't be able to press the start button, the ski will do nothing, it's a lockout button. Or atleast that's how all the kawa I have had were.

If its not that, then start at the starting system, sounds like its not turning over or anything?.. Get a service manual. Google search is your friend.
Been a while since I had a Kawi............ could not remember if it acted like the kill switch where the motor still turns over but the spark is grounded out or if it prevented the button from being pressed.
Why on earth would a family member intentionally tamper with something on purpose? It's an 87 Kawi 650 most likely parts are just worn out...only so many parts that let power to the starter...it's either fuse, switch, starter solenoid, battery, starter or cables...starter could be seized, bad ground or connection somewhere, corroded battery cables, faulty start switch, bad solenoid or worst case motor or pump is seized up preventing starter from turning motor.

I'd confirm you have a good battery to start and than make sure switch is working properly, cables are good, and than solenoid, than starter...follow the flow of electricity and see where it stops and you should find your problem...but you will need a meter and tools for sure


So long and thanks for all the fish
It could be something as simple as the start button contacts are corroded and not completing the circuit or a ground wire from the electric box to the engine/battery corroded and broke.

Troubleshoot before accusing.
thanks guys, since i surf ride i have zip/cable tied that black pin on the start/stop button.

i checked the starter button, all fine, ill check the stop button but the ski was working, i started it up when i left it there...............i just rebuilt the ski aswell...............pulled, checked and cleared the ebox and ran new wires for safety/reliability........................my work is air tight

the ski, with a fully charged battery, when attempted to start, acts like NO battery is in there.

not a single turn over, your hear nothing
I've had a battery that would say it was fully charged on the battery tender but then as soon as you'd take it off it was as dead as Michael Brown. Your battery may not be able to hold a charge anymore.
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