what does a gridle kit do?

A girdled head doesn't mean you have to run premium fuel.
Most girdled heads have removable domes that come in different sizes. So, you could select a dome size that allows you to run low octane gas.
Or, just run the stock head. That's what I would do.

Thanks! I was a little worried about the cylinder cracking even with the stock compression due to the use of a different Exhaust, although I think the Bpipe is lighter than the stock one....I think I will go girlded once I need to change my first set of pistons, once there I will also do a little porting

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
So why girdle kits for Kawi engines? :dunno:

How many Kawi cylinders have you seen cracked like that,I have never seen one and I work on couches,I also used to work at the stealership.The Kawi has two more bolts holding the cylinders down than the Yami does,thats one reason you don't see kAWI cylinder crack like tha.


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at peace
Again, why girdle kits for Kawi engines?
You're just raising the bar for answering the question. They don't seem to need it.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I am sure if you added enough compression they would need it for the extra protection,I am just stating the facts,care to do a search for cracked or broken Yami cylinders? Also do a search for broken Kawi cylinders while you are at it,good luck on that last one .


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at peace
You seem to think I am asking a question about Kawi cylinder integrity.
I am not.
I am asking why there are girdle kits for Kawi engines.
ya.... why so defensive, wedo?

the yamis need them becasue they run, and then break, due to a faulty mold.

the kawis dont need them because they dont run, uh... theyre broke, and thats due to a faulty manufacturer.


Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Again, why girdle kits for Kawi engines?
You're just raising the bar for answering the question. They don't seem to need it.

SXR's with Dry Pipes require Girdle Kits, I have seen several cylinders crack (the top half cracks from the bottom half.) from the strain of the pipe.


So long and thanks for all the fish
I am sure if you added enough compression they would need it for the extra protection,I am just stating the facts,care to do a search for cracked or broken Yami cylinders? Also do a search for broken Kawi cylinders while you are at it,good luck on that last one .


Extra bolts has nothing to do with a cylinder not cracking, as the combustion force is still placed on the aluminum jacket. A girdled head/girdle kit is still a good idea for longevity IMO.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Eh okay.....seems to me you succeeded in answering questions that weren't asked, and got your feathers ruffled over those non-existent questions (Kawi integrity).

Speaking only for myself, of course.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I am afraid you are mistaken Matt,my feathers aren't ruffled at all,yours seem to be though,I am laughing my ass off,really dosen't matter to me I am running Rotax power in my boat.


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at peace
yours seem to be though
Really? Where? :dunno:

I asked the simple question why there are girdle heads/kits for Kawi engines - and I stated that they didn't seem to need it.

Your responses...
How many Kawi cylinders have you seen cracked like that,The Kawi has two more bolts holding the cylinders down than the Yami does,thats one reason you don't see kAWI cylinder crack like tha.

care to do a search for cracked or broken Yami cylinders? Also do a search for broken Kawi cylinders while you are at it,good luck on that last one .

All this after simply stating that Kawi cylinders didn't seem to need the girdle, and asking why people sell them.
Now please remind me again where I got my feathers ruffled. Or, better yet, who in fact did seem to get a little ruffled there.
For it "really not mattering to you" you sure got in a tizzy trying to prove that Kawi cylinders don't crack (which I never questioned in the first place)


PS I have a feeling I know what your std response is going to be.
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WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Tell you what top poser I will remove myself from this thread if you do, deal?Seriously though if you think you can ruffle my feathers that easily then you don't know me too well.
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steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
It's interesting to see all these "unruffled" responses from you after I asked a single, simple question (which you have read way too much into).
You're even resorting to name-calling.
I told you this last week, Terry: The Internet is not serious business. Remember that, and you'll be much better off. :biggthumpup:

So, if you'd like to pick up your ball and go now, suit yourself.
Perhaps come back to this in a week, read through it, and see how silly you made all this.


a real mickelson
dont forget the cosmetic reason for a girdle kit. . simply sexy :bananapowerslide:

i run a riva drypipe with riva girdled head kit with some pump gas domes! :biggthumpup:

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
ya.... why so defensive, wedo?

the yamis need them becasue they run, and then break, due to a faulty mold.

the kawis dont need them because they dont run, uh... theyre broke, and thats due to a faulty manufacturer.


Just wondering if that means the 3 or 4 Kawis you own don't run also,at least one must as I see it in your avatar parked on the beach,did you tow that in with your superjet?:biggthumpup:
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