Super Jet What epoxy or adhesive to glue ski hull halves and a crack back together?

I picked up a square the other day and what I thought was a minor crack, which I "fixed" by putting gorilla glue epoxy over it, was not so minor. It came apart first ride. The back half of the hull on one side is basically unglued from the bottom half, and it's cracked right in the back corner. See pics.

What should I use to glue or epoxy back together? Preferably something available at hardware or auto parts stores if possible. Should I bolt or rivet them together for extra support? Already small holes in the rub rail area of the hull I could use (maybe was for original rub rails to avail in or something).


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For hardware store fix marine epoxy available at home depot is great for small emergency lake repairs but that's going to be a much more extensive fix. Wait for some one with serious repair experience to chime in
If you want to learn how to lay fiber glass then that would be a permanent fix to your problem, it's not that hard or expensive. Just search up how to repair fiberglass

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NE Tenn
You will need epoxy to fix what issues you have on the hull.USComposites is a good company to deal with on their products.You will need a small kit to repair.3: 1 mix,probably quart size will work.Also some small chopped fiberglass pieces and a thickner (cabisil).
I can help you or give some advise,but YouTube will be your best bet.And l believe the company l mentioned has some vids that will help you.And there are several threads on the X that will help too.Pm me if need anything more.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
If I am looking at the pictures right, it looks like the decks separated at the bond rail and the gunnel has cracked in half. That is unless it has foot holds or something where a new seam was created along the gunnel and that split? Honestly I have not worked on the square so I'm not sure why there would be a seam there but it is an inexplicably clean split.

The fast and less durable fix is to do the best you can to sand and clean the two surfaces, Drill a hole at the end point of the crack, work a piece of wet glass into the seams and clamp it down until it cures. You can push thickened resin into the end areas that are too tight to get the piece of glass into. You really need to sand down the hull and lay glass over the gunnel crack, about 1-2" of overlap on both sides.

The gunnel damage is really not a minor repair and can not be done right without removing the paint and all of the turf. You can probably patch it until winter so you can ride now and do the job right later, but anything you half ass now will make a proper repair harder later. It might be worth your while to find a hull in better condition and swap everything over.

Epoxy, glass and composite filler. That epoxy you are getting at home depot is for gluing a broken lamp together, not for building boats.
Looks like someone cut the tray out for footholds and put it back with woodglue lol.

I agree with Vumad about doing it right the first time. Nothing is worse than struggling to fix something the second time sanding away your first macgyver repair that didn't even last a ride

Best of luck
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