Super Jet what handle bars to get?

I want to upgrade from my stock handle bars and also get UMI grips. What are the benefits of a 0 or 4 degree bars? I ride 50/50 surf/flat water. Im also 6'1 190 lbs
I have an extra set of bars i'll hook you up with and they have grips( pretty sure they are zero degree bars). They aren't the prettiest but are something you can try! Should have my ski this weekend to.


Be About It!
Wichita, KS


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
The V-shape rake on the stock bars makes you flex your wrist more to compensate for more rake. Straighter bars allow you to keep your wrist straighter while cornering and such. My SJ is still pretty new to me so I am happy with stock, but my SX had 0* bars and they were nice too. It's not a required upgrade, but they are nice. Maybe you can find someone local with them and you can try before you buy. You'll probably prefer them over stock, but 4* vs 0* is probably personal preference.

Edit: You or a friend probably have a 1/2" piece of PVC lying around. Take off your bars, zip tie on the PVC and stand on the ski. See how it feels.
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Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
I have Odi rogues on everything I own. My X2, both my quads, my SJ will get a set soon. The locking clamp style Odi grips are great. Other grips need glue, so if you change bars you have to get a second set of grips. If you don't glue them on, you can use bailing wire which can cut you, or something else that allows them to slide. The only disadvantage to the Odi is the space the lock take up on your bars which can effect where you put your components, etc. Odi grips are money well spent.

I think there are 3 different models, and they each come in long or short, and flange or no flange. I recommend the rogues because they are thick and squishy, and for the ski I like the short with no flange. My quad I use long with flange.
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