what is the best motor mount


havin fun
clearwater FL
ok - I will let you guys in on a huge secret!!!! the holes for the mount are larger than the bolt to install it to the hole. slide the mount outwards and you will get the mount lower. duh!!! if it doesn't move out far enough to get you aligned then drill the hole bigger. dremel it out whatever.

a mount is a way to attach a motor to the hull and isolate vibration. vibration causes damage. don't believe me then make an aluminum mount so you never have to worry about breaking one again and then you can keep trying to re epoxy the hull inserts instead.

the reason the pto has a rubber dampner is twofold. to keep the motor vibration from beating the crap out of the driveline and to allow a small amount of vertical/horizontal movement allowed by the motor mounts. this is why when mounts gets loose it damages the pto couplers and mainly why a properly aligned driveline gets wear/loose.

as stated many times before- start with pump alignment to the hole in the bilge. then the pto. then the motor. if you don't you are causing damage. the couplers need to align not only in height but also in angle. you can be set at the right height but have the nose too high or low and this will be jsut as bad as to high or low o the rear height.

[EVIL]If you have driveline damage- it is because 1) you had a broken mount(s) 2) the alignment was off 3) you seized a bearing or sucked a rock- sudden stop of any of the moving drivline. period[/EVIL]
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I use a long, full length threaded bolt with 2 nuts as a go - no go gauge for checking the angle alignment at different axis on the coupler.
Lay the bolt on top of the coupler with the head hanging over the edge, then spin one nut till it touches the other end, then secure that with the jam nut.
Then take that on a different location... the bolt should fit anywhere you place it on the coupler.
Pain in the a$$ stuff if you are intent on getting it precise.
I would bet cash money it was his pump alignment.

id have to give Ewok credit on doing at least the pump alignment.He striped so many shafts on that ski its crazy.He was doing alot more technical stuff on building those quads than this.

Rotax,thats a good idea I might try that with installing these mounts, a bolt would be short and easyto fit down in there with out a fight. How precise does it really have to be?

Tom good idea on moving the mounts out with a dremel,that prolly would work fine.Im just not sure a gp mount would last any longer than the rest,it seems to be the glue failing,they never rip on us,always just pop off the plate.I know they are a little bigger,but the glue seems to have a half life,I think either would pop in 2 years if your a hard rider
that makes sense, you would think if they are smart enough to use atoms sharing electrons they would have been smart enough to drill a few holes in the metal on both sides of the mount for better surface retention.
Ive never noticed any glue on either side of them so im sure thats the case
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