What is the black stuff the oem rubber is glued with

I would like to know the black rubber adhesive used for the oEM RN rubber tray pads for the arms ? where can I get this ? and is this the same stuff used for hoodliner seal ?

Thank you !


makin' legs
I would like to know the black rubber adhesive used for the oEM RN rubber tray pads for the arms ? where can I get this ? and is this the same stuff used for hoodliner seal ?

Thank you !

Yamaha uses superglue(CA) for the tops of the sides of the tray. That's the reason solvents don't do much for getting them loose. If the seal and hood channel are prepped properly, the same DAP contact cement you use for the rest of your turf works very well(the seal will tear before it will come loose). It also has the advantage of being easier to remove w/o damage using acetone if you decide to paint later. Wipe down the contact side of the seal with acetone to open the skin of the seal a bit and the glue will get a good bite on it. Just let the glue flash a bit longer than normal so it's not as grabby when you try to set it in place. Make a few dry runs before you glue.
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