Super Jet What is the deal with "couch mounts"?


Maybe I'll get it all the way around NEXT time....
Are they a direct swap for busted SJ mounts, or are they bigger / is there something that needs to be done to make them work, or are they just a stronger mount?


Seriously, Don't be a dick.
kawasakis suck
They are a tad taller from what I understand. You'll need to bore out your mounting holes in your bedplates to accommodate. They are thicker than SJ mounts and a lot of people seem to have 0 issues breaking. I know mcdog runs them, says he enjoys them.
Just drill out the mounting holes in the mount a tad bigger and then slide them to the outside of the hull when tightening them in order to drop the motor down a bit.Seem to be be aprox 2mm taller.They hold up better than SJ mounts for me.
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Maybe I'll get it all the way around NEXT time....
Thanks for all the info guys! I'm swapping a 62t based engine into the Q8 this fall, and have been collecting parts / pieces... just waiting for that new top end.
Yeah check out my build, I put couch mounts in my RN SJ with a 62t/61x and all I did was space them as far out in the hull as they would go and then the motor lined u perfect with no shims. No vibes and no issues, I have put at least 10 tanks through this ski now and its perfect.......


Military Member
Fort Worth, TX
Well sorry to rain on your parade, but they WILL NOT work in you Q8. They are too tall!

I used to run in my RN, but had to get SJ mounts for the Q8.
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I have heard of people sanding them to make them work, if you only need a little off to make them work give it a shot. One thing i notice with the couch mounts vs aftermarket is they seem to vibrate a lot less at idle and low rpm.

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High Speed Industries

Your one stop shop for quality parts @highspeedind
What couch mounts work for a sj? I don't think all couches are the same. Like what models do I find the correct couch mounts in? I figured I'd post here before starting a new thread.


The call me Mew Mew
I have raider mounts in my squarenose. Direct fit.

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