What is the history of tubbie sponsons?

Where the heck did tubbie sponsons come from? Is there evidence that they actually work, or is it placebo effect?

I only ask because I don't see any official results, just opinion, and it results seem to vary.


Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Where the heck did tubbie sponsons come from? Is there evidence that they actually work, or is it placebo effect?

I only ask because I don't see any official results, just opinion, and it results seem to vary.


They first came out in the early fall/late summer of 2003. The origins of them started appearing in 2000-2001 when Team Kawasaki started using them (parabolic sponsons - not tubbies)to try and make their ski's more competitive with the Superjets. Back in the late 1990's the Superjet for the most part was dominating the races. To the point that you rarely saw a Kawi on the tracks except for Team Kawi. R&D, Riva, 3DR, & 24/7 were the main guys selling the parabolic sponsons. (I do not remember Blowsion selling a version of these). Once the SXR hit the courses in 2003 it was evident that the domination of the races by the SJ's was over. Step in Blowsion with the Tubbies. It did greatly help the SJ, and more so the Octanes, not enough to make them fully competitive with the SXR's. One of the great byproduct of these is they make ski's handle really well in the surf and rough water conditions with the wider footprint and hookup ability. Look at the hull of the 08 SJ's, they are built with that same general footprint as well. Same for the SXR's (some call it a tear drop shaped hull).


Creative RE Purchasing
Where the heck did tubbie sponsons come from? Is there evidence that they actually work, or is it placebo effect?

I only ask because I don't see any official results, just opinion, and it results seem to vary.

it is not a placebo affect. they actually do something.
whether or not this "something" is good or bad is your opinion.


High on jetskis.
for surf..they will help save you if you make a mistake on a slash, give you more pop on reentrys, increase stability in whitewash.


Squarenose FTW
Site Supporter
on flat water, they make the boat more twitchy
and dump you at random until you get used to them
I am still not sure I like them on my SN
after a whole season
he he he... Standup Ed came up w/ the idea w/ Dok Wok. ....and it was history after that. Blowsion developed them. Correct me if I am wrong....

either way, they work f*cking great. I would not own a boat w/o them.


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
I remember the first side front sponsons were just flat sheets of plastic/plexiglass/SMC/Whatever tha twas screwed to the sides of skis.

Then at some point in time Blowsion came out with the more 3D parobolic shaped "tubbies".


makin' legs
he he he... Standup Ed came up w/ the idea w/ Dok Wok. ....and it was history after that. Blowsion developed them. Correct me if I am wrong....

either way, they work f*cking great. I would not own a boat w/o them.

Right on.....:wink:

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
he he he... Standup Ed came up w/ the idea w/ Dok Wok. ....and it was history after that. Blowsion developed them. Correct me if I am wrong....

either way, they work f*cking great. I would not own a boat w/o them.

Right on.....:wink:

I rode Ed's SN with one of the first sets of tubbies....... Man, that thing handled really well, first SJ that I ever rode that you could actually lean the ski over and rail turns.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
I remember the first side front sponsons were just flat sheets of plastic/plexiglass/SMC/Whatever tha twas screwed to the sides of skis.

Then at some point in time Blowsion came out with the more 3D parobolic shaped "tubbies".

those were Waterdawgs. All the others were molded. WDK had his in 2002-2003.


I've got the glow
Site Supporter
I think the wet wolf cone is simple placebo effect.

The Tubbies provide a significant change/improvement in handling.


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Never seen those in person BK. I assume they have some shape to them then.

Yeah a WW cone was a joke when I put one on my ski. It hurt it more than anything.
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