Other What life vests do you use?


Team PHP
I have a jet pilot side entry and it fits like crap and is super bulky. I ended up buying a Hyperlite neoprene vest from Costco for $40 and it fits awesome and floats me no prob! I weigh 235-240 and have a 50-52 in chest and the jet pilot stuck out so far in front of me cuz of its thickness and then didn't taper enough to fit my waist. Hyperlite molds to your body and it is also coastguard approved :)
just bought a jetpilot apex 2012. fits nice if you're not fat.i was looking a the Ronix 2012 CGA vests.very nice slick neoprene but for $139 i can buy 2 JP's. JP FTW.


Buy a Superjet
I just upgraded to an xxl jettribe vest. I haven't tried it yet though. I am hoping this vest will end my quest for a vest that will float me with no air in lungs and if god forbid they fill with water..
I use a Jet pilot Matrix vest. It's a side entry and fairly thick which comes in handy on hard and fast falls. It's pretty comfortable plus I wear a wet suit for the majority of my riding and it fits perfect over that.
Thanks Quinc! I just ordered a Jettribe scattered. It is foam filled but looks pretty low profile.

Something I found looking at vest is most are black or have a lot of black. Personally I want something a little more visible. That is what ruled a lot of them out.

Heads up guys I spoke with them at Jettribe and they said they were coming out with a neoprene version of the Jettribe Strike that is USCG approved. They said it would be out in a couple months.
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