What oil/fuel are you running?

So what fuel is everyone running? My motor is 190psi and I think am gonna run some straight 100LL Avgas with Benol.

I was considering VP. What are you guys running that are running race gas?

Leaded or unleaded?

VP C10?

What about premix? Benol, 927 or what? Just getting a feel for what people run in the modded motors.
At 190psi you could run 100 octane safely. Rockett blue unleaded is my go-to for unleaded race fuel. Used to run klotz skicraft, switched to castor 927 last year.
Skicraft is more of a rec oil. Castor apparently has the best properties for dealing with high rpm use, ie heat. When you are running more rpm than stock around a course you have different oil requirements


Okai i actually have a question ive sent to several 2 stroke oil producers. the answer i got back was " for your application, use our outboard/jetski oil"

My question is: what is the difference on the outboard / jetski oil (typical TCW-3 standard) AND the MX / gocart 2 stroke oil.
my thought would be, diffrent engine temps and diffrent RPM range.

what are pros and cons with using good MX ester based oil (we are using Motul T800 at the moment) in a 900 or 1100 cc 2 cylinder jetski engine
Plano, TX
I think I like the smell of benol better but the skicraft burns really clean. No sludge running it of the exhaust and and no power valve buildup

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Buy a Superjet
The cheapest oil you can find. I normally get mine for 17$ a gallon shipped on amazon. Or if I buy a couch to strip I will use whatever is in the oil tank. For freestyle/freeride pump gas is fine. Or run 50/50.
i wanna jet blast all those riders that use castor, right in the face. That stuff stinks so bad

Only lottery winners or special school kids use oil thats more than 20 dollars a gallon on any 61x based engine.

1st grade economics, but like most of the jet ski crowd, your only cool if it cost alot of money

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i wanna jet blast all those riders that use castor, right in the face. That stuff stinks so bad

Only lottery winners or special school kids use oil thats more than 20 dollars a gallon on any 61x based engine.

1st grade economics, but like most of the jet ski crowd, your only cool if it cost alot of money

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

Hahahaha. I guess us special school kids make enough money to buy it. Everything is relative. I guess if I still worked at McDs I would buy the cheap stuff too.;)

Nothing like a little Benol in some race gas.:)
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TigerCraft FV-PRO
Running $38/gallon oil makes me feel better then 18/gallon oil. You may understand when you buy a $7500 engine.
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