What plug to use?



I've seen this myth posted before. The heat range of the spark plug has NO effect on starting. It only relates to how quickly the plug dissipates heat while running. The only help starting a sunken ski would be the use of a clean DRY plug.:biggthumpup:


wheres IDOK!!!!????!!!???

Mike W

North Florida
I saw on ADA's website they say to use a BR9ES plug, would this be a bad one to run or should I just stick with the 8's? I ask becuase I have a whole box of 9's for my old sled.

I dug up this old thread because i would like to know the answer to this. If ADA reccomends BR9ES plugs then why does everyoune agree on BR8ES :dunno:


Race Gas Rules
Clearwater Fl.
ADA stands for RACING! WFO! If you run closed course or off-shore wide open throttle a lot the colder BR9ES plug will keep the combustion temps below a meltdown, if your too lean in carb jetting or running too much ignition timing...
P.S. If the surf is real big at Daytona, bring your BR7ES or BR7HS plugs, ski will run a lot better with a little more heat in the spark, as you won't be able to run WFO but only for a few seconds.

Mike W

North Florida
ADA stands for RACING! WFO! If you run closed course or off-shore wide open throttle a lot the colder BR9ES plug will keep the combustion temps below a meltdown, if your too lean in carb jetting or running too much ignition timing...
P.S. If the surf is real big at Daytona, bring your BR7ES or BR7HS plugs, ski will run a lot better with a little more heat in the spark, as you won't be able to run WFO but only for a few seconds.

Good explaination. Thanks
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