What prop do I need????????


Custom 650
Ok guys...I had a 650 sx with a 8/16 prop and wet wolf cone but I just did the motor swap with 750 and now I am spinning the prop..... What prop would you guys recommend that I put I'm to get the low end back that I had

Don 79 TA

Still Fat....
i am a big fan of the 8-16's in the Kawi 650sx, i ran that prop with a VERY heavily modified 650 setup and kicked some serious butt with it, and never had slippage issues
i also had Dave at Impros tweak it, and WOW was it even better
make sure you have a good seal, and what intake grate are you using? i had a deep one, but dont recall what it was
Dave can also repitch that if needed. 9-16 i think was another we used to use.
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