What props are you running with your Bobs

well right now its set up with a 13/17 amd the motor i am probably going with for right now is a 701 62t/61x so wondering if i should get it repitched
BOB gen 2, 9/15 magnum 144, just pulled out my dasa 850 and put in a Thrust freestyle ported and girdled 701 and it rocks. Motor and pump combo are unbelievable!!


X-H20 certified
San Diego
771 blackjack performance with 10/16 hooker 12 vein solas w/stubby cone 85 mm bore reduction nozzle, raider turn nozzle. brraaaapping !


Site Supporter
Washington, DC
Ski Clinic had me go to a 10/16 from a 13/17 last weekend. Apparently they found out that it's better for my setup a bob or two after mine was built. Actually, I need to throw my 13/17 up for sale...
don't mean to thread jack, what would you think for an php 898cc with total loss, pfp and dual 48's in a kevlar bob for flat water? I don't know too much about propping so i ordered a 150mm skat from thrust and got them to choose the prop and bore the nozzle to 88mm i believe. On my pump it has 9/18 written on it but I don't know if thats referring to the prop as it seems like an odd size... any help?? I already emailed thrust checking too, I'm just impatient so wanted some other opinions too
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