Mine has fins it just had that extra volume that it didn't need. Works great on a limited setup TONS of low end but when you put that much horse power in front of it blah... nothing.... just spins like crazy.I missed where he said he had a protec nozzle.
yeah, they dont have straitening fins, and they tend to cavitate.
I honestly think the 86mm exit nozzle is my issue, but have been to dam dumb to snag the stuff off of my wife's SJ to try.
This is gonna probably sound wierd coming from me, but I would talk to paul and do whatever he thinks would be best.:wall: He built your motor and recommended the prop, carb, fuel, pump, etc. combo and he will be your best bet for getting it straightened out. I know when Art builds my motors, he has very specific recommendations for every facet of the package. If I were to opt out of some part of his package because somebody on the board thinks it's a good idea or because I had problems initially, I wouldn't have boats that run the way mine do.:wink:
hey Gil, I have a raider trim reduction nozzle at the house if you want to try it.
let me know.
IMO, you need at least 13/18 pitch. Send the prop to RD to be repitched. Also 86mm exit nosel is screwing you IMO as well, go back to stock 81mm and the short cone OR run the long cone with the 86mm bore as a secondary option.
Sell me the 13/16 -3", or the 12/17 standard. Never heard from you man!
Soooooooooooo-u r suppose to have a big gap between 'pump packing' and hull-right??? Stuck a flash light in pump and had a minimum of 1/8" gap between seal and hull. LOL I am becoming such a Wasteland. LOL Oh yeah, I also measured my 86mm exit nozzle-IT'S ACTUALLY 82.5mm. So much for assuming what people say is a fact. Live and learn.
Soooooooooooo-u r suppose to have a big gap between 'pump packing' and hull-right??? Stuck a flash light in pump and had a minimum of 1/8" gap between seal and hull. LOL I am becoming such a Wasteland. LOL Oh yeah, I also measured my 86mm exit nozzle-IT'S ACTUALLY 82.5mm. So much for assuming what people say is a fact. Live and learn.
LOL I am becoming such a Wasteland.
:shrug: should have checked that a long time ago. :shrug: