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I am new to riding stand ups and have met a great group of guys here in Jax. Thus far they have showed me the ropes of riding safety in numbers, grabbing a leg when in trouble. Being new to the sport and all gunHo I went out this past Saturday solo in 4-5 surf at Hugo. I am not at the level of doing flips, rolls and Broncos like the guys I ride with do (YET) and growing up surfing all my life and being around the ocean I felt it would be no big deal.It was a very overcast day and when I rode out to the break something just did not feel right. It felt eerie and creepy being alone. I cruzed a few waves and headed right back in. Later I sent a text to the guys and said " I will never do that again @ScottS " I was unaware of this story until today and looking back at me flying solo on the same Saturday as the 5 yr mark made me really think of how stupid I was and amplified the feeling I had looking around Saturday going " I am so f*** if something happens with near a soul around"
Godspeed to all present and past!

Godspeed to all present and past!

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