Surfriding What the heck is this? Whatever i guess ill build it.

I've been in many o landfills ... By the time I dump my load and lower my dump bed the big a** loader with the big steel spiked wheels has pushed ran over and destroyed everything .. Interesting find...


Maybe I'll get it all the way around NEXT time....
I want to hear how it rides with the added tubbies... that should be interesting.
cool ski I bet the price was right.

Is it not necessary to sand through the yellow gel coat or paint when doing the glass work ? Or is it just not worth the time for the gains ?

air blair

you are the reason
Where the gel coat didnt bond i went to the carbon but other than that epoxy bonded well with it. I thinkin surf turns will be awesome with her, we'll see though. One 30 foot jump might end it all. I daubt it. She feels real solid with two bottom hulls. Lol i hope a landfill turns up another one for me. Hint hint

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