Other What to do, bought ski now seller wants more $$$


Thrust built Dasa Power
Off site
Here's his reply to my email....


Thank you for your text message.. My point on this deal was I offered $6,000 and the terms of I would wire transfer the following day. I held my end of the deal. I even checked with another guy working in Nashville with me that I offered $6k which is what I wired. You offered the extra parts with the deal right from the start. I'm not very happy with the paper work supplied with the ski as there copies and nothing that resembles a title. Makes this a race only ski as you can not title with the current paper work you supplied. Also missing some parts that should have been with the ski when your mechanic disassembled it.

If you want the ski back we can arrange that as I'm not so happy on my end. I have $6000 in the purchase , plus $400 shipping, and $1100 so far in repairs... Total $7500 this offer stands for 24 hrs


Josh u r a rip of artist. This deal will haunt u. Good luck. U r not an honest person. U have to live with that. Ur honor is only worth 500 bucks I could not have been more clear. Even confirmed with a text. We will take this to the forum

This email at 7:10 am...
next email

Better paper work - 500....

Now my reply was to offer $250.... One time to make this nut doctor go away... It's against everything I stand for, but it's not worth fight over... Will see what he comes back with...

Here's my email since this guy wants to take it to the forum,

I'm going to make one offer.... The deal was 6k

I will make this one time off $250 that's half and I don't even owe that... This ski will be sold now, I'm over it...

Thanks for ruining my purchase....


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
Normally I would say don't pay the D-bag a dime. However, if you can't title the ski as-is, maybe you can offer him $50-$100 more provided he gives you ALL of the necessary documentation to title the ski. Make sure you explain that you owe him nothing and he hasn't fulfilled his end of the deal.


Thrust built Dasa Power
Off site
As for honor, respect and doing the right thing anyone on here that knows me will tell you I'm a standup guy... I hope this guy comes on the forum...


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
As for honor, respect and doing the right thing anyone on here that knows me will tell you I'm a standup guy... I hope this guy comes on the forum...

I was actually coming back to edit my response to add that point. I was going to say that one guy demanding extra money after the sale is not going to ruin your reputation in the jetski community.....and if someone see's you negatively after this transaction, you probably don't want anything to do with them anyway. Based on what you've told us so far, it's hard to see that you should be at fault for anything other than dealing with that guy.
people suck man.f this guy hes honestly probably mad you fixed it so quick and dont budge on the 250 or 500 thats his fault for shipping a ski across the country for the price he "thought" was the right one. why would he send you the ski then ask for the balance ??? seems like a shadester trying to nab a few extra bills,and if he comes on here hes bringing a knife to a gun fight i think hell find out pretty quick too


Team PHP
That sucks man! Josh you are totally in the right and whoever this douchebag is deserves a kick in the balls! I hope he does come on the forum so myself and other Wisconsinites can avoid him. I have an idea of who it mite be, some dirtbag bought my 08 sxr two years ago for 3000 and posted it the next day for 4500 and said less than 20 hrs on it.......it had over 200 on it. If you wanna know if its the same guy Josh, shoot me a text at 262-689-4063. Id love to kick his ass Lol:)


formerly superjet444
Middle Georgia
Also I would get ahold of the guy that listed it for the guy you bought it from and see what he says. Maybe he can convince his buddy that he's wrong


Team PHP
Also I would get ahold of the guy that listed it for the guy you bought it from and see what he says. Maybe he can convince his buddy that he's wrong

Good point- there may be threes sides to the story as well. But Josh shouldn't pay a dime more! He is more than in the right on his part.
Dec 20th i get a text from fred with this attached
Frederick tiesenga
Fifth third bank
Routing 0420xxxxx
Account 723xxxxxx
6500. S8 PRO
7089453733. Congrats
This was sent on dec 20 around 4:00
I texted back and said you have the wrong guy for 6500
As stated before you had a arrangement of 6k and he shipped the ski so you did your apart but as far as title he never did his and he told me he paid the taxes on the ski and had paperwork for it. Good luck
I wouldn't even worry about it. What is he going to do?
Your story seems clear, he shipped the ski to you, game over. Its one of those deals where you should check that the money is all there before you hand over the merchandise otherwise all bets are off.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Is the State that it came from a Title State? Alabama is not. So, If I sell you a ski, there is no Title, Florida would issue you a title based off the bill of sale. You would have to pay taxes on it..
F that keep your 250 bucks

its been stated over and over WHY would someone ship a ski that wasnt "paid in full??

if one is willing to let a friend list and negotiate a sale, one must live with the outcome

put it on ebay, sell it for 10K plus...link him to the auction and laugh

you have way more than 500 in personal time and tracking down the parts from overseas


Thrust built Dasa Power
Off site
Thanks Idok... Tools like him just piss me off

Once I get the new Starter from Benelli the ski will be sold, I'm over it...

Here's what I sent his buddy that listed the ski on the X

Hey deal on the BEnelli isn't going like we agreed..

I offered your Buddy 6K for the Benelli, he agreed and I wired 6K the next day. I have the ski picked up, after 2 weeks he ships me some oil filters & what was suppose to be a title... Which isn't but thats not your problem.

Now he's sending me text and calling demanding I send him $500 more... The deal was 6K... Now he thinks I scammed him... This is total BS... Why would he ship the ski if it wasnt paid in Full?

I know he's not on the X, but you are.. Whats the deal here? I'm not some newbie just into Jet skis.. I sent Fred an email offer $250 , that I DONT OWE HIM JUST TO BE NICE AND NOT FIGHT OVER A SKI..

He said hes taking this to the forum... No need I already started a Thread.. Feel free to post or Have fred post



Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
since you offered to meet in the middle AFTER THE FACT, you proved you're not trying to rip anyone off. I predict you'll never hear from him again. It sucks you don't have the real paper work, he's a dick.


V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
It sucks that he's trying to hold the correct paperwork ransom. deuche bag move. I'm pretty relieved that I didn't buy it. Without a proper set of papers, you're looking at paying sales tax on a $15,000+ ski.

If he kept the original papers, what's keeping him from claiming it's stolen?

Plain and simple case of seller's remorse.
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Thrust built Dasa Power
Off site
Thanks Guys for all the post.... Sometimes you need opinions just to make sure your not being the Dick or just seeing it one sided... Maybe he will join the X and tell his side ...

Idok he's from IL near Lake Port I think
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