What to do with an old couch hull??

Ive seen a couple threads where people did some cool things with old couches but i dont remember much about them nor do i know what to search for. Ive got an old seadoo hull we bought for parts and i was thinking about cutting of the top deck and making it into a little miniboat but i wanna hear some other ideas first. Since the hull is just sitting there id like to do something cool with it instead of trashing it. I kinda wanna make it jet powered still but will probably end up using a small small outboard.
We've thought about taking an old couch hull and gutting it out, then making part of the engine bay a big floating cooler, and then use the rest of the space to a waterproof stereo system, batteries, etc. Thought it'd be cool to tow something like that behind a boat to the party cove for the weekend. Just a thought though, never wanted to put the jack into it.
So why stop at 1 ?

Maybe this guy can do it better with a fireball and shait.

oh dont get me wrong it can be done again. just please send me an invite. on a side note we had gas to make a big fireball but the forest was kinda dry and we thought it might piss of smokey the bear if we torched a couple thousand acres.


Fill full of cement and sink in that special location.The first of many for that artificial reef you have been dreaming of . Start your own Sea-doo's to reef program.


not a fair weather rider!
Tipp City, OH
I vote for the remote control jetski. I have thought about it myself. However blowing it is always a great option. (I'm a jarhead I'd blow anything up!!)
So basically make it into a 3-D? Those things weren't so hot unfortunately.
There was a cool pic of a SN SJ that someone put motorcycle front forks on and it reminded me of something from Star Wars kinda...

i was thinking about cutting the top completely off and just having a boat pretty much but maybe keep it jet driven.
Just looking for something to ride around on and maybe fish from
cut me the bottom side before the grate up to the nose. I want to turn it into a surf sled for saving surfers from big waves. would make a nice bottom part if its not too rounded. just add foam and glass the top with some handels down the side and turf on the top.
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