Surfriding what TOP DECK to go with for freeride an surf


prove me wrong then with some high performance waveriding...

ill be waiting....and remember its not my fault u guys are spending all kinds of $ when u could just be riding whats tried and true...

ill even settle for some super aggressive buoy turns...dragging a shoulder, on the gas, linking multiple turns

ohhh please, :tomato:
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i guess u didnt read this part..

"to me nothing out performs the stock hull with tubbies in the surf regardless of price.."

and if those aftermarket hulls are making u guys ride better id hate to see them on stock hulls ;-)

Lucas, dont you know there is only ONE way to ride in the surf and that is the wydopen method?


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
like wydopen, I don't think many people need an after-market hull.

Mostly, an after-market hull is conspicuous consumption for people who are aggressively ostentatious.

My first assumption when I see a nice ski is, that guy probably can't ride.
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lightweight de

but yea i dont know what im talking about lol

if u have good ski handling skills u can ride anything, BUT not very many people do....

AND..the best surfriding thats ever been done was on a Sj with a 701...end of story

idk maybe u guys need your ski to be sooo wide that it dosnt turn...personally i actually enjoy going fast and cranking better feeling..

i guess you haven't rode a good aftermarket ski
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Orlando, FL
if you love your SN or whatever u ride, it cool, nothing wrong with that. I used to ride a Sn too
but cut the crap.

So you rode all thoses hull you mention above, and you think your Sn with tubbies handles better.?!?!?


lightweight de

but yea i dont know what im talking about lol

if u have good ski handling skills u can ride anything, BUT not very many people do....

AND..the best surfriding thats ever been done was on a Sj with a 701...end of story

idk maybe u guys need your ski to be sooo wide that it dosnt turn...personally i actually enjoy going fast and cranking better feeling..


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
lightweight de

but yea i dont know what im talking about lol

if u have good ski handling skills u can ride anything, BUT not very many people do....

AND..the best surfriding thats ever been done was on a Sj with a 701...end of story

idk maybe u guys need your ski to be sooo wide that it dosnt turn...personally i actually enjoy going fast and cranking better feeling..

Hey Andrew, when did you ride a ski and whose was it? Sickerling?
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It's not a square but yes I absolutely think it handles better than any aftermarket ski I've ridden. I can't ride any of those skis like I can ride's not like my ski is a stocker or something it's a fully dialed in surf specific round nose. I learned how to setup my ski from the best in the buisness..

Is your ski level so high that it exceeds the capabilities of a sj? Mine isnt..

hey Matt I rode ross's lightweight de (sj copy) not the new one

if you love your SN or whatever u ride, it cool, nothing wrong with that. I used to ride a Sn too
but cut the crap.

So you rode all thoses hull you mention above, and you think your Sn with tubbies handles better.?!?!?

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steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
I didn't know Ross had one.
Did it ride anything like a SJ? It isn't that much lighter.


The rear was "scaloped" (they took away the hard edge on the rails) so it didn't hold..the weight difference was also noticeable. ..Definitly didn't dig it. My main complaint with the aftermarket skis is the additional width. I try to ride on a rail and the smooth transition from rail to rail is very important to me. The new hulls are way too stable. I'm goig to take a sj and cut it in half from bow to stearn and remove 4inches in width from the center and try it.
The rear was "scaloped" (they took away the hard edge on the rails) so it didn't hold..the weight difference was also noticeable. ..Definitly didn't dig it. My main complaint with the aftermarket skis is the additional width. I try to ride on a rail and the smooth transition from rail to rail is very important to me. The new hulls are way too stable. I'm goig to take a sj and cut it in half from bow to stearn and remove 4inches in width from the center and try it.

Not starting problems like everyone else but if narrow and flickable is what ur after why not try an fx1 with and good pump combo? I love mine, honestly feels perfect coming down the face. But don't forget if u want it to turn u def need the sj cable and steering ratio!


I've owned one in the past and have ridden several that were built up witha pump and everything and I didn't care for them however I'm gonna get my old hull back from a friend and try it again with some additional modifications. Don't get me wrong my sj does 99% of what I want it to..

Btw nobody is causing problems we are having a discussion/debate about jetskis. Thats what this place is for..

Not starting problems like everyone else but if narrow and flickable is what ur after why not try an fx1 with and good pump combo? I love mine, honestly feels perfect coming down the face. But don't forget if u want it to turn u def need the sj cable and steering ratio!


The Good Old Days
but what does all that have to do with the original question ?

A topdeck will not make you a better rider. It will make you a rider with less cash with nothing to show for it.
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