Other what would you do?

balsam lake glass cutter

previously "750sxi"
prior lake mn
I agree she left me open for another, but storage is a issue, gonna look into the lake city sortie sounds like a good time, sounds like there is no reason to stay with the 2001 kawi, and the newer the ski is the better the ski is.


Arlington TX
Everything everyone said is spot on. A stock SJ is kinda "ehh" on power vs an SXR, but from what i've experienced, SXR's are tanks.... that can carve LOL.

Defintely try to find something thats been modded... you'll save a lot of money. Hope you get to check out that freeride, sounds like a blast.


stupid desert
you could mod tour 750 foothold, pipe, prop, and sponsons. get better then decide what you want. I have no experience with your ski, but with those upgrades it will be very similair to a new sxr (from what i hear) . thenlater on you can decide to get a superjet and have both!
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