whats the best year of the x2 and why.


Chasing waves.
Daytona Beach
Wait, so is the sqirrell cage pre '89, or post '89?

also does anyone have a picture of a Rip Turn nozzle? I've never seen one but heard about them....

Its pre and post 89, but I have heard some 88's and some 90's have had them.

In an ideal world.....Get a 94-95 if you can. Its got squirell cage (with solid bar connecting rod), the electric SHOULD be in much better shape than an 80's model, if you want to keep the stock waterbox the 2" id hoses are the least restrictive, and if you plan on keeping the 650, the 95 has the 40mm carb.. Other than that there all pretty much the same.


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Yeah I like how the newer models have the bigger carbs, 38 or 40 mm. Those 28mm Keihins are way too small. Also I like how the newer models have a consolidated e-box. Everything is all there in on place except for the CDI. Also on 95's the water box sits on a styrofoam pad which weighs less than the rubber feet. Speaking of water boxes, those years that have the metal elbows, the elbows restrict flow some.


thanks darin...noswad!
For hood seal replacement, you must order late model type like 92 and up double lip, the single lip seals are discontinued.


Bringing it back
New Hampshire
Any hull works fine. you can get the newer floatation foam from the 95 I think for the waterbox bed. I do like the 93, 94, 95 E-box but the other ones can be made to work fine if you are careful. My red hull was direct steer. Make a huge quick steer and sleeve the cable with brass pipe nipples and couplers. Grab a handfull of brass at home depot and go make it work.



Old school -not by choice
Twincities, MN
Well I took a peak today, and I'm happy to say that my '88 does have th cage in there!

So now when I get my hands on a UMI system, I still keep using that cage set up correct?


Old school -not by choice
Twincities, MN
I can agree with that. The stock is so sloppy that its almost sad that kawi let it go like this...

The only problem is, where do I get a UMI/Acusteer or what ever else is out there? Do I have to just wait until one comes up on the x or pwctoday, or ebay? Does anyone make batches of steering systems at a time that we can all (well those who are in need/want of one) could jump into a group buy?


Bringing it back
New Hampshire
The accusteer hayday is over as far as I can tell. You can tighten up the stocker with a bolt through the spring loaded pin though. I never broke the stock unit when had one and I tried pretty hard. I actually bent my bars with my chest once without breaking the steering.


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
For the Accusteer you need to get ahold of Roy at www.getrealperformance.com Most people have had good luck with him. I on the other hand waited for about 4 months for a 1-1/8" bar version for about 4-5 months. It was the typical "next week" scenario you hear from other sellers/vendors. Sucked for me because it was near Memorial Day Weekend and he had all these boat orders to take care of. What about me I already paid? I get it and it wasn't even polished after he promised me he would get it polished for me. I may just have it powder coated instead. If you wanty one, you better get on it, he only had a few left!

For the UMI: www.umiracing.com They cost more say around $300 new where you can get the Accusteer for $150.

I have never used the Accusteer yet but I will say that the UMI does have its flaws. The steering stops start getting worn more than my liking, especially for the $300 price tag. The bearings will aso rut up soild if it sits. I recommend taking it apart, popping the seals off of the bearings, and packing them full of marine water proof grease. If you shop around, I have seen new ones go for $225-250.

I wanted to try FAT BARS so I got the Accusteer. Unless you use a set of adapters, I doubt you could ever have the UMI machined for the 1-1/8" bars. It is just the way it is designed. There are several Japanese companies making steering systems. However you will get a better? I mean cheaper deal buying one of the two mentioned above.

I did see this weird steering stet up on eBay months back for an X2. I forgot to bid though :( I will have to see if I have pics of it.


Old school -not by choice
Twincities, MN
I have been looking on Japan websites, however, not only does the cost seem high by itself, I can't even think of the cost of shipping it over here. I wonder if it would be worth it to get on a plane, putt over there, box up a bunch of stuff, rent a container, and ship it to the states to just turn around and sell all the stuff here in the states? I know of people who do that with china goods, but they go over there to save money and buy for themselfs (such as remodeling a house)

I think for now, I'll just end up bolting up the stocker system, and see what I can do about finding either a used set up or new on ebay or here. A 4-5 month wait would drive me crazy. Even a Month would push me over the edge, I can't wait that long with out knowing if I just got took for my money, or whats happening.

Thanks for the tips guys!
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