Whats the deal with prices on used b-pipes???


Ax Man
Couple of things I noticed on this post. First of all the person buying the used pipe has not used ebay much. When I first used ebay and wanted something I really got sucked into the auction/bidding thing. Second, the guy still has to send money to seller, we may see this pipe listed again. Personally, I have bought a used factory pipe and would never do it again.(stripped exhaust housing, cracked chamber, etc.) I also don't believe Factory Pipe is doing this supply/demand thing on purpose, I just don't think they give a crap. I mean I live very close to the water and we have 3 dealers within a 75 mile radius, these dealers tell me they are lucky to sell one superjet a year. How many Yamaha dealerships even sell superjets?


So long and thanks for all the fish
Couple of things I noticed on this post. First of all the person buying the used pipe has not used ebay much. When I first used ebay and wanted something I really got sucked into the auction/bidding thing. Second, the guy still has to send money to seller, we may see this pipe listed again. Personally, I have bought a used factory pipe and would never do it again.(stripped exhaust housing, cracked chamber, etc.) I also don't believe Factory Pipe is doing this supply/demand thing on purpose, I just don't think they give a crap. I mean I live very close to the water and we have 3 dealers within a 75 mile radius, these dealers tell me they are lucky to sell one superjet a year. How many Yamaha dealerships even sell superjets?

I'll mention it again, it's a friend of mine that bought it, to use.
Couple of things I noticed on this post. First of all the person buying the used pipe has not used ebay much. When I first used ebay and wanted something I really got sucked into the auction/bidding thing. Second, the guy still has to send money to seller, we may see this pipe listed again. Personally, I have bought a used factory pipe and would never do it again.(stripped exhaust housing, cracked chamber, etc.) I also don't believe Factory Pipe is doing this supply/demand thing on purpose, I just don't think they give a crap. I mean I live very close to the water and we have 3 dealers within a 75 mile radius, these dealers tell me they are lucky to sell one superjet a year. How many Yamaha dealerships even sell superjets?

The guy selling it sounds like a pretty good guy. I think he is a friend of 2nd Nature. He offered me a buy it now before the auction ended for the pipe for $400 shipped and he would also include the elbow hose, but I still felt it was a little high. I bet he's glad I didn't buy it. :biggrin: Looking back on it if it was a solid pipe I probably should have bought it. Oh well Superjett's friend now has a b-pipe and I don't. There is a lot to be said for that. :biggthumpup:
Ok guys, I bought the pipe. I have been casually looking for one for about a year and a half. I did not want to spend more that $450.00. My wife found out that I wanted to buy this and peeked in on the bidding. When it went past my reserve she bid on it for me to see if we could get it for $460.00 or less. and what do you know we did. She knew how long I have been looking for one and took the next step. As for the price and all the trash talk. The item was paid for in full 15min after the auction was closed. I talked to the seller and he will ship it as soon as he can. As with any sale on E-bay you take you're chances. 98% positive feedback is not bad. Yeah it is alot of cash for a used pipe but all I know is that I have one on the way. the search is over and now I concentrate on the rest of the build.


The Good Old Days
sjweber, all the power to you.

The way I see it, by the time I'm ready to buy a B-pipe all you mofos will have already gotten yours.
Than I will jump in and snap up mine for a song.
That's my plan and I'm sticking to it. :biggthumpup: :Banane01:
Ok guys, I bought the pipe. I have been casually looking for one for about a year and a half. I did not want to spend more that $450.00. My wife found out that I wanted to buy this and peeked in on the bidding. When it went past my reserve she bid on it for me to see if we could get it for $460.00 or less. and what do you know we did. She knew how long I have been looking for one and took the next step. As for the price and all the trash talk. The item was paid for in full 15min after the auction was closed. I talked to the seller and he will ship it as soon as he can. As with any sale on E-bay you take you're chances. 98% positive feedback is not bad. Yeah it is alot of cash for a used pipe but all I know is that I have one on the way. the search is over and now I concentrate on the rest of the build.

Congrats :biggrin: . You've got a really cool wife. :biggthumpup:
thanks I call it my all show and no go boat. It has a stock 701 with pro-x pistons, hot rod trued and welded crank, msd inhancer, and milled head. Stock exhaust (for now) and stock box. I hope to do the motor work this winter to match the paint.
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Ride for life
North NJ
That price sounds about right. I sold a mint one back in april for a buy it now of $475. It sound in less that 5 hrs.
I just bought a B for an sxr and paid $500 for a mint one.
Pipes hold valve pretty good.
I just bought one from Jet Works (thanks for the lead Charles :biggthumpup: ) They were very nice and knowledgeable. I have been contemplating for a while, but finally decided to take the plunge.

My total cost for the Factory Limited Pipe with the Elbow Hose and shipping was $659. Add the $12 for the drill-tap-install of second nozzle for dual cooling, plus the $49 for their 'pro flow-control' valve, and about $10-20 for the jetting. Now I have a total of $730 - $740 in the pipe shipped. Not too bad considering I would still have to purchase the other stuff seperately if I bought a used one.

Ok. JUST NOW got off the phone with Factory Pipe Direct (checking the accuracy of my data while posting :smile: ). A new pipe from them is $670 + shipping + "maybe" tax. And if you were to buy the elbow hose seperately, that is $45 alone (but is included with the $670 price).

Here is my $.02: Used at $476; + elbow = $50 shipped; + bolts/clamps ~ $25?; so the total minimum (without SuperJETT's help) is around $551. Therefore, $551 vs. my $659 is a $108 difference. That is why I bought new... for an extra $108 I don't have to worry about siezed bolts, 'possible' un-forseen damage, having to collect other parts, etc. To me it was worth the 'time saving' factor of not having to find all the additional parts. But, when you got SuperJett there, you may not have to go shopping, so awsome for you guys :biggrin:

Just thought I'd throw in my experience. And if anyone is looking for a pipe, Jet Works (http://www.jetworks.net/) can help you. Although, keep in mind, there may be a one to three week wait for this pipe. I got lucky and mine is shipping next Tuesday :woot: So, I'll have a Riva Freeride (red manifold) pipe for sale in a week or two!
Yeah, Superjett has helped me build this ski from the beginning. It truely makes a differance having someone with that much knowledge and experience to help you. oh yeah and the parts help too :biggthumpup:
I do see what you guys mean about the price. The pipe I bought is tapped for dual cooling so that saves the 45 you had to pay on top also. Normally I would buy new also, just because of all the head aches involved, but this project has been a learning experience. Superjett and the site have helped me all the way. :hail: :hail: :hail:
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