I just bought one from Jet Works (thanks for the lead Charles :biggthumpup: ) They were very nice and knowledgeable. I have been contemplating for a while, but finally decided to take the plunge.
My total cost for the Factory Limited Pipe with the Elbow Hose and shipping was $659. Add the $12 for the drill-tap-install of second nozzle for dual cooling, plus the $49 for their 'pro flow-control' valve, and about $10-20 for the jetting. Now I have a total of $730 - $740 in the pipe shipped. Not too bad considering I would still have to purchase the other stuff seperately if I bought a used one.
Ok. JUST NOW got off the phone with Factory Pipe Direct (checking the accuracy of my data while posting :smile: ). A new pipe from them is $670 + shipping + "maybe" tax. And if you were to buy the elbow hose seperately, that is $45 alone (but is included with the $670 price).
Here is my $.02: Used at $476; + elbow = $50 shipped; + bolts/clamps ~ $25?; so the total minimum (without SuperJETT's help) is around $551. Therefore, $551 vs. my $659 is a $108 difference. That is why I bought new... for an extra $108 I don't have to worry about siezed bolts, 'possible' un-forseen damage, having to collect other parts, etc. To me it was worth the 'time saving' factor of not having to find all the additional parts. But, when you got SuperJett there, you may not have to go shopping, so awsome for you guys :biggrin:
Just thought I'd throw in my experience. And if anyone is looking for a pipe, Jet Works (
http://www.jetworks.net/) can help you. Although, keep in mind, there may be a one to three week wait for this pipe. I got lucky and mine is shipping next Tuesday :woot: So, I'll have a Riva Freeride (red manifold) pipe for sale in a week or two!