whats the feedback on the blowsion thrust...

Don't get me wrong... I completely agree that companies need to make money but within reason! I also think Blowsion is a great company and has done a lot for this sport but I just don't have much respect for them based on the outrageous prices at which they sell their products.

You've got guys like Surfjetlouie(RIP), Snowxr, and Highroller who made/make awesome products at a great price. Then you've got RIVA and Blowsion selling practically the same stuff only $100-$200 more expensive. I know RIVA and Blowsion put back into the sport but so do the little guys...just not on the same level because they don't sell as much.

I also understand the concept that due to low number of sales, your profit margin must be higher to stay in business. So why exactly is an octane's intake grate made by Worx and sold by Blowsion $140 and the same design modified for a SJ with the Blowsion tag is priced at $218? The Worx grate inevitably sells fewer because there are greatly fewer Octanes than SJ's. So shouldn't the more popular product that is produced in greater numbers, produced in-house instead of purchased from another manufacturer, and copied from another design be cheaper?

wow... please just stop!!!!!


steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
Comparing companies like Blowsion and Riva to individuals on this forum is not a fair comparison, to put it very mildly (absolutely no offense to any of these individuals)
The big companies have overhead - employees, real estate, advertising, sponsored riders, etc. The big companies spend thousands in putting on events, promotions, etc.
Some guys on a forum vs the two biggest companies in this hobby/sport/whatever aren't on the same level. They are not even in the same house or on the same street. Completely different ballgames.
The products are priced to the market. If they didn't sell enough grates at $218, the price would be lower.
Just because YOU think it's too high of a price doesn't make it so.
The products aren't priced to what some guys on the Internet feel is fair.

You have a choice: Buy or don't buy at that price.
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Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
Don't get me wrong... I completely agree that companies need to make money but within reason! I also think Blowsion is a great company and has done a lot for this sport but I just don't have much respect for them based on the outrageous prices at which they sell their products.

You've got guys like Surfjetlouie(RIP), Snowxr, and Highroller who made/make awesome products at a great price. Then you've got RIVA and Blowsion selling practically the same stuff only $100-$200 more expensive. I know RIVA and Blowsion put back into the sport but so do the little guys...just not on the same level because they don't sell as much.

I also understand the concept that due to low number of sales, your profit margin must be higher to stay in business. So why exactly is an octane's intake grate made by Worx and sold by Blowsion $140 and the same design modified for a SJ with the Blowsion tag is priced at $218? The Worx grate inevitably sells fewer because there are greatly fewer Octanes than SJ's. So shouldn't the more popular product that is produced in greater numbers, produced in-house instead of purchased from another manufacturer, and copied from another design be cheaper?


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
They aren't made out of sheet metal. They are cnc machined from billet aluminum.

I don't mind the expensive parts so much as the dollar per performance aspect you get. I hate paying the said 218 for the intake grate and does it really give you a 218 performance increase? Nah not really. That is what ticks me off. You don't need just one $218 part, you need 40 or 50 of them. Start adding up what all we put onto skis. It almost looks better off to just buy a Ricter, EME, ect that si already done up. Finger throttles, heads, carbs, cylinders, pumps, props, grates, plates, trim, light weight hoods, poles, foot holds, ect..... Skis are really fawking expensive! But I still love them :)
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