What's this buildup?

So I did a bit of glass reinforcing on my ski, and it's been sitting about a month and a half and today I walked out and noticed this brown splotchy buildup on the glass. It almost looks like rust? Anyone seen this before? It wipes off mostly, but I wasn't sure what it was?

BTW I know it's not the best layup and there are air bubbles on the top layer.the other two below it went on pretty good, though.


Do you use that yellow rust inhibitor spray stuff? Aside from that, is the resin cured? What did you use? Home Depot poly or good epoxy. Did you weigh and mix thoroughly or just eyeball the mix ratio?
If its just been sitting there un used anf this is the first youve noticed it id say its the resin not properly cured. Maybe you could brush a hot coat on? Someone else jump in here.
Well, just as an update US Composites responded to me. He claimed it was called "blush" and is completely normal and common in 4:1 resin and even sometimes 3:1 resins. Nothing wrong or to worry about, just wipe it away.

Fro Diesel

creative control
I switched to trinity t3 for my reinforcement years ago. the fit and finish for wet layups in the garage turns out much better. I also put a heater in when curing to try n keep the room 70-75
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